WoW Classic

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic

Reo's Toons

























  • Blackmouth Oil (Made by Alchemist)
  • Bleach (Merchant)
  • Blue Dye (Merchant)
  • Bolt of Linen Cloth (Made by Tailor)
  • Bolt of Mageweave (Made by Tailor)
  • Bolt of Runecloth (Made by Tailor)
  • Bolt of Silk Cloth (Made by Tailor)
  • Bolt of Woolen Cloth (Made by Tailor)
  • Course Thread (Merchant)
  • Dark Rune
  • Elemental Air
  • Elemental Earth
  • Elemental Fire
  • Elemental Water (Dropped/Fished)
  • Elixir of Wisdom (Made by Alchemist)
  • Enchanted Leather
  • Essence of Water
  • Felcloth
  • Fine Thread (Merchant)
  • Fire Oil (Made by Alchemist)
  • Globe of Water
  • Golden Pearl
  • Gray Dye (Merchant)
  • Green Dye (Merchant)
  • Guardian Stone
  • Healing Potion (280-360 Health) (Made by Alchemist)
  • Heart of Fire
  • Heart of the Wild
  • Heavy Leather (Made by Leatherworker)
  • Heavy Silken Thread (Merchant)
  • Ichor of Undeath
  • Iron Buckle (Made by Blacksmith)
  • Ironweb Spider Silk
  • Jade
  • Linen Cloth
  • Mageweave Cloth
  • Mana Potion (455-585) (Made by Alchemist)
  • Mooncloth
  • Red Dye (Merchant)
  • Rugged Leather
  • Runecloth
  • Rune Thread (Merchant)
  • Silk Cloth
  • Silken Thread (Merchant)
  • Small Lustrous Pearl
  • Spider Silk
  • Thick Leather
  • Thick Spider's Silk
  • Truesilver Bar (Created by Miner)
  • Vision Dust (Made by Enchanter)
  • Wildvine
  • Wool Cloth
  • Yellow Dye (Merchant)

















Reputation Guides

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The Aldor


Alliance Vanguard

Alliance Vanguard is the combined forces of the Alliance in Northrend, spearheaded by the Valiance Expedition.

Argent Crusade

Argent Crusade is an organization created from the union of the Argent Dawn and the Knights of the Silver Hand.

Argent Dawn

The Argent Dawn were an organization focused on protecting Azeroth from the threats that seek to destroy it, such as the Burning Legion and the Scourge.

The Ashen Verdict

The Ashen Verdict faction is associated primarily with Icecrown Citadel. Building reputation with The Ashen Verdict is primarily achieved by killing mobs and bosses within Icecrown Citadel while not wearing the tabard of another faction. Upon achieving Friendly status, Ormus the Penitent will offer a quest for an epic Ring that can be upgraded by improving your reputation further. Quartermaster Alchemist Finklestein also offers a large number of profession patterns for Blacksmithing, Engineering, Leatherworking, and Tailoring.

Ashtongue Deathsworn

The Ashtongue Deathsworn are the elite of the Broken draenei tribe known as the Ashtongue.

Avengers of Hyjal

As the Firelord Ragnaros and his minions have wreaked havoc on the hills of Hyjal, we are taking the fight to them. Infuriated by the destruction wrought by the Lord of Flame, this subset of the Cenarion Circle seize the initiative, fighting back against Ragnaros and driving deep into the very heart of the Firelands.

Baradin's Wardens

Baradin's Wardens is essentially a faction of jailers, whose task was to maintain the Tol Barad prison facilities in order, as well as to keep the Tol Parad Peninsula as peaceful as possible. With the Cataclysm, their mission has shifted - they now battle not only rebelling prisoners, but Garrosh's Horde forces as well, for if they were to gain control over the island, it would be a major strategic advantage for the Horde. The Wardens have a small camp on the rocky eastern coast of the Peninsula - Baradin Base Camp. There a team of the Wardens's best members works with the champions of the Alliance to establish a foothold in area, despite the thwarting efforts of undeads, ghosts, giant spiders, bandits and smugglers, undead pirates... and Hellscream's Reach, Garrosh's personal assault force.

Bloodsail Buccaneers

During the events leading up to and following the Third War, several criminal organizations appeared in Azeroth. The Bloodsail Buccaneers appear to be one of these organizations, originating from the Bloodsail Hold on Plunder Isle and is where their ruler, Duke Falrevere holds court. They now plot to plunder and cripple the Steamwheedle Cartel controlled port town of Booty Bay, currently under the protection of the Blackwater Raiders.

Booty Bay

Brood of Nozdormu

The Brood of Nozdormu is a faction consisting of the Bronze Dragonflight. Their leader Anachronos can be found outside the Caverns of Time, with many of its agents flying in the sky of Silithus.

Cenarion Circle

Cenarion Circle is a reputation that plays a major role in Silithus and with the events around Ahn'Qiraj, besides unlocking new profession patterns for players.

Cenarion Expedition

Upon the reopening of the Dark Portal to Outland, the Cenarion Circle dispatched an exploratory force, known as the Cenarion Expedition, to explore the uncharted world. Much like the Circle, it is a coalition of night elf and tauren forces. The Expedition maintains its primary base at Cenarion Refuge in Zangarmarsh; it has also made its presence known on Hellfire Peninsula, in Terokkar Forest, and in the Blade's Edge Mountains. Cenarion Refuge is located immediately west of Thornfang Hill.

The Consortium

The Consortium is a friendly cartel of Ethereals that operate in several zones such as Netherstorm and Nagrand. Led by Nexus-Prince Haramad, the Consortium are ethereal smugglers, traders and thieves that have come to Outland to benefit from their riches. Their main base of operations and biggest settlement is the Stormspire in Netherstorm, but they can be found at Midrealm Post, Aeris Landing in Nagrand, within the Mana-Tombs of Auchindoun and various other places.

Darkmoon Faire


Darnassus is the faction associated with Darnassus, the capital city of the Night Elves. The high priestess Tyrande Whisperwind leads from the Temple of the Moon.

The Earthen Ring


Everlook, the faction of the town Everlook, is a trading post is run by the goblins of the Steamwheedle Cartel. It lies at the crossroads of Winterspring's main trade routes and is neutral to all factions. Quests related to Everlook deal with the Timbermaws and the threats of the surrounding wildlife.


Explorers' League

The Explorers' League is a subfaction of the Alliance Vanguard.

Frenzyheart Tribe

Earning reputation with Frenzyheart Tribe will decrease reputation with The Oracles.

The Frostborn

The Forstborn is a subfaction of the Alliance Vanguard.


Gelkis Clan Centaur

Earning reputation with Gelkis Clan Centaur will decrease reputation with Magram Clan Centaur.

Gnomeregan Exiles

Guardians of Hyjal

The Guardians of Hyjal are a faction of druids and warriors, united in their desire to protect the sacred Mount Hyjal and its protector spirits, the Ancients. Without a single leader, the Guardians tentatively follow the guidance of notable druids like Malfurion Stormrage and Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem, as well as the Skylord Omnuron (leader of the Druids of the Talon) and Captain Saynna Stormrunner (leader of the Shadow Wardens). After the events of Cataclysm, the primary goal of the Guardians is to secure the aid of the five Ancients - Aessina, Aviana, Goldrinn (also known as Lo'Gosh), Tortolla, and ultimately - Cenarius.

Honor Hold

Hydraxian Waterlords


The Kalu'ak

Keepers of Time

Kirin Tor

Knights of the Ebon Blade


Lower City

Magram Clan Centaur

Earning reputation with Magram Clan Centaur will decrease reputation with Gelkis Clan Centaur.



The Oracles

Earning reputation with The Oracles will decrease reputation with Frenzyheart Tribe.


The Ramkahen is one of the three clans/tribes of the Tol'vir race living in Uldum - the Orsis and the Neferset being the other two. When Deathwing came back to the world and entered an alliance with the Old Gods and the elemental lords, he set out to make some allies (or servants, as he probably sees them) in the desert lands of Uldum. The Neferset tribe were the first one to fall under his sway, as he had promised them to lift the Curse of Flesh off them, restoring them to their former stone forms. The Orsis clan became the first victims of Neltharion's new allies - their entire clan was obliterated by air elementals and former Neferset brothers. Currently the Ramkahen is the last Tol'vir bastion against the combined forces of Al'Akir and Deathwing, and it will be up to Azeroth's champions to help them reclaim the lands they've lost.

The Scale of the Sands

The Scryers

The Sha'tar

Sha'tari Skyguard

Shattered Sun Offensive

The Silver Covenant

The Silver Covenant is a subfaction of the Alliance Vanguard.

The Sons of Hodir


Steamwheedle Cartel



The faction Therazane, named after its leader Therazane the Stonemother, consists of all the earth elementals "living" in Deepholm. The story players can witness starts off with Therazane and her elementals being hostile towards all creatures, including the Earthen Ring and their attempts to restore the World Pillar. As time passes, Therazane's lieutenants and ultimately the Stonemother herself will start looking more favorably at the group of shamans and their chosen champions. At the end, a few selected members of the Earthen Ring and their allies will be allowed to remain in Deepholm and continue their effort to bring balance to the domain of earth.

The Thorium Brotherhood

Timbermaw Hold

Valiance Expedition

The Valiance Expedition is a subfaction of the Alliance Vanguard.

The Violet Eye

Wildhammer Clan

The Wildhammers are a clan of dwarves that primarily reside in The Hinterlands and Twilight Highlands after the War of the Three Hammers. Renowned for their close bond with gryphons, they treat these animals as equals in battle instead of pets, leading to numerous successes in the Second and Third Wars. They also value nature and have close ties to shamanism.

Wintersaber Trainers

The Wyrmrest Accord

Zandalar Tribe


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Abyssal Depths

Alterac Mountains

Note: When Cataclysm Classic was release, Alterac Mountains no longer exists.

Arathi Highlands




Blackrock Mountain

Blade's Edge Mountains

Blasted Lands

Borean Tundra

Burning Steppes

Crystalsong Forest



Deadwind Pass


Deeprun Tram



Dun Morogh



Dustwallow Marsh

Eastern Plaguelands

Elwynn Forest




Grizzly Hills

Hellfire Peninsula

Hillsbrad Foothills

The Hinterlands

Howling Fjord



Kelp'thar Forest


Loch Modan


Mount Hyjal




Redridge Mountains

Searing Gorge

Shadowmoon Valley

Shimmering Expanse

Sholazar Basin


Stonetalon Mountains

The Storm Peaks

Stormwind City

Stranglethorn Vale

Swamp of Sorrows



Terokkar Forest

Thousand Needles

Twilight Highlands


Un'Goro Crater


Western Plaguelands








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Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom

Level 73 - 75
Number of Players 5
Location Dragonblight
Key Restrictions Normal: None
Heroic: None


Date Media Duration Notes
10/21/2022 0:31 hrs This normal run occurred on 10/21/2022 and included Haneris, Krenz, Stattick, Theproject and Drybagz.
1/21/2023 0:38 hrs This normal run occurred on 1/21/2023 and included Umoar, Cruzon, Dontari, Sharpklawz and Nomni.
2/6/2023 None 0:21 hrs This heroic run occurred on 2/6/2023 and included Floristine, Xandroso, Grinchmedic, Zaera and Ruspin.
2/7/2023 0:25 hrs This heroic run occurred on 2/7/2023 and included Florenz, Odinson, Brettyboi, Darwinia, and Nosferatue.
2/26/2023 None 0:44 hrs This heroic run occurred on 2/26/2023 and included Haneris, Krenz, Cruzon, Stattick, and Alloralla.
2/26/2023 None 0:53 hrs This heroic run occurred on 2/26/2023 and included Aleome, Sadgitarius, Gilgeen, Phillyroll and Tharina.
2/28/2023 None 0:28 hrs This heroic+ run occurred on 2/28/2023 and included Aleome, Krachun, Nhandor, Sumpally and Ridaz.
3/4/2023 None 0:47 hrs This heroic run occurred on 3/4/2023 and included Haneris, Krenz, Cruzon, Stattick and Demogoggin.

Auchindoun - Auchenai Crypts

Level 65-67 (Normal Mode)
70s (Heroic Mode)
Number of Players 5
Location Terokkar Forest
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
7/1/2021 0:59 hrs Floristine (68), Sharpklawz (68), Ryuji (67), Imperius (67), Cruzon (65). Almost wiped on the second pull. Then worked our way to Shirrak the Dead Watcher, the first boss. We wiped three times trying to kill him. After the third wipe, we decided to call it quits. We did not finish it. Sharpklawz did make level 69.
7/8/2021 0:59 hrs This run included Floristine (69), Ryuji (68), Imperius (68), Cruzon (65), Naimarius (70). No deaths, wipes or issues. Sharpklawz was supposed to be on this run but she was running late. So we put in Naimarius.
8/1/2021 0:52 hrs This run included Floristine (70), Beergrande (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Cruzon (68). This run was requested by Ryuji to complete the quest Everything Will Be Alright. Ryuji died during the fight with some Raging Skeletons when we realized these guys really hit hard. There were no wipes and no significant drops. We did get the quest completed though.
10/1/2021 0:57 hrs This heroic run occurred on October 1, 2021 and included Floristine (70), Kraggs (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Naimarius (70). At the Bridge of Souls, it appeared that we wiped. However, since Imperius was charmed and did not die, he was able to bring us all back. So, technically, it was not a wipe. A short time later, Floristine got knocked completely off the Bridge of Souls that did kill her. On her run back, she got killed by a roaming patrol which set her back again. She had to be resurrected to prevent another run back issue.
10/17/2021 No media 0:27 hrs This run occurred on October 17, 2021 and included Haneris (65), Daminal (70), Sargitta (70), Chyron (70) and Mystira (66).

Auchindoun - Mana-Tombs

Level 64-66 (Normal Mode)
70s (Heroic Mode)
Number of Players 5
Location Terokkar Forest
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
6/23/2021 1:29 hrs Floristine (66), Beergrande (66), Sharpklawz (67), Fomalhaut (65), Dealtfate (66). This was our first run through this dungeon. There were two wipes that can be attributed to our unfamiliarity to the dungeon. We were able to complete a handful of quests, but no significant equipment dropped.
7/1/2021 1:32 hrs Floristine (68), Sharpklawz (69), Ryuji (67), Imperius (67), Cruzon (65). After not being able to complete Auchenai Crypts, we ventured back into Mana-Tombs. No issues and no deaths. We did complete the escort quest. Did not exactly get any good gear either, but it was still a good run.
10/14/2021 No media 1:26 hrs Haneris (64), Mystira (64), Sargitta (70), Chyron (70) and Kraggs (65).

Auchindoun - Sethekk Halls

Level 67-69 (Normal Mode)
70s (Heroic Mode)
Number of Players 5
Location Terokkar Forest
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
7/16/2021 1:06 hrs Floristine (70), Beergrande (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (69), Fomalhaut (69). Both Floristine and Beergrande died during the fight with Talon King Ikiss, but it was not considered a wipe. Good first time in this dungeon.
7/22/2021 1:26 hrs Floristine (70), Beergrande (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (69), Cruzon (67). On this run, things were going great until a pull of an Avian Warhawk yielded additional mobs, namely a Sethekk Shaman along with other mobs. This resulted in an unintentional wipe. After that, the dungeon was completed with no issues. No significant drops.
10/8/2021 No media 1:03 hrs This October 8th, 2021 heroic run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Kraggs (70) and Naimarius (70).
10/17/2021 No media 0:50 hrs This October 17th, 2021 run included Haneris (65), Daminal (70), Sargitta (70), Chyron (70) and Mystira (66).
10/21/2021 No media 1:15 hrs This October 21, 2021 run included Haneris (66), Kraggs (70), Sargitta (70), Sharpklawz (70) and Beergrande (70).
11/04/2021 No media 1:15 hrs This November 4, 2021 run included Haneris (67), Kraggs (70), Sargitta (70), Chyron (70) and Fookinmookin (67).
4/22/2021 1:03 hrs This heroic run occurred on April 22, 2022 and included Floristine, Mystira, Naimarius, Youu and Lifebloom. Lifebloom had the components needed to summon Anzu, something Floristine had never seen before. Apparently, there is a chance of a rare riding mount dropping from the fight with Anzu. Unfortunately, this drop did not occur on this run. We did wipe a couple of times.

Auchindoun - Shadow Labyrinth

Level 69-70 (Normal Mode)
70s (Heroic Mode)
Number of Players 5
Location Terokkar Forest
Key Restrictions For the Normal version of Shadow Labyrinth, you must have the key from Sethekk Halls.


Date Media Duration Notes
7/16/2021 2:16 hrs Floristine (70), Beergrande (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (69), Fomalhaut (69). There were four wipes. The first was with Blackheart the Inciter. The next two wipes were with Grandmaster Vorpil. And the last wipe was with Murmur.
7/22/2021 1:34 hrs Floristine (70), Beergrande (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Fomalhaut (70). As we were approaching Murmur, some additional mobs overwhelmed us and caused a wipe to occur. During the fight with Murmur, Beergrande did fall, but there was no wipe. Floristine completed her first key fragment needed for Karazhan.
8/5/2021 2:08 hrs Floristine (70), Bubbadaddee (69), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Cruzon (68). This was Cruzon's first time in this dungeon and first time tanking it. The Tome of Arcane Brilliance 2 dropped off of a trash mob, but Ryuji already had it. Grandmaster Vorpil did cause us some grief as we wiped once with him. We wiped again when we were killing the guards around Murmur. And the last two wipes were with Murmur. Cruzon made level 69 during this run.
8/6/2021 1:26 hrs Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Kraggs (70), Naimarius (70). On this run, we encountered no issues until we reached the approach to Murmur. Once again, the guards in front of Murmur overwhelmed us and we wiped. No other issues or significant drops.
8/8/2021 1:30 hrs Floristine (70), Beergrande (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Kraggs (70). Imperius did die once as an assassin killed him while fighting with the malicious instructors. There were no wipes and no significant gear. Good reputation run.
8/13/2021 0:56 hrs This 8/13/2021 run included Floristine (70), Beergrande (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Paladrax (70). Our tank, Paladrax, was a very well-equipped paladin with nothing but blue and purple items. However, this tank was a little aggressive on some of his pulls and caused one wipe when too many Fel Overseers were pulled. This was a good quick reputation run as no significant gear dropped.
8/17/2021 1:32 hrs This 8/17/2021 run included Floristine (70), Beergrande (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Kraggs (70). This run was to complete the random normal daily dungeon run. Imperius died as we worked our way into Grandmaster Vorpil. As we got closer to Grandmaster Vorpil, one of the mobs that was transformed into a turtle turned back to its original form and had the audacity to reenter the fight with help. This resulted in a wipe that was unavoidable. A similar situation occurred as we were working our way to Murmur as this resulting in another wipe. No other issues.
9/19/2021 1:23 hrs This September 19, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Sharpklawz (70) and Kraggs (70). The run up to Murmur, there was a battle with the Cabal Spellbinders and support personnel. Two groups were involved in the battle, and as such, Floristine pulled agro on some of the encounter. This earned a quick death for Floristine. Later, there was a wipe with Murmur which required a second attempt. There were no significant drops during this run.
9/26/2021 1:18 hrs This September 26, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Sharpklawz (70) and Kraggs (70). Again, this was a very quiet run with no deaths, wipes or no significant equipment drops.
10/5/2021 No media 1:20 hrs This October 5, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Sargitta (70), Imperius (70), Sharpklawz (70) and Kraggs (70).
4/21/2022 1:09 hrs This normal April 21, 2022 run included Haneris (70), Mystira (70), Naimarius (70), Palamos (70) and Tenoki (70). This run did not hold any surprises or wipes. Naimarius was nice enough to respec' his warrior to be our tank for the evening. Haneris was hoping to have the Moonglade Handwraps drop from Blackheart the Inciter, but it did not happen.
4/24/2022 0:51 hrs This normal April 24, 2022 run included Floristine (70), Mystira (70), Madrededios (70), Kantoskan (70) and Palamos (70). This was to complete the normal daily dungeon run. Floristine still needs to gain reputation with the Consortium. It was a very quick run with no surprises. We did have to listen to Palamos' childhood memories as he explained how he watched Dragon Tales when he was a kid.


Level 72-74
Number of Players 5
Location Dragonblight
Key Restrictions Normal: None
Heroic: Level 80 with no specific attunement or key requirements.


Date Media Duration Notes
10/17/2022 0:30 hrs This normal run occurred on October 17, 2022 and included Haneris, Stattick, Irisisia, Krenz, and Geronon. This was the first of two runs.
10/17/2022 0:20 hrs This normal run occurred on October 17, 2022 and included Haneris, Stattick, Irisisia, Krenz, and Geronon. This was the second of two runs.
1/21/2023 0:21 hrs This normal run occurred on January 21, 2023 and included Umoar, Cruzon, Dontari, Sharpklawz and Nomni.
2/8/2023 0:56 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 8, 2023 and included Haneris, Stattick, Nosferatue, Darwinia and Bladechaos.
2/19/2023 0:18 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 19, 2023 and included Haneris, Stattick, Krenz, Fende and Minor.
2/27/2023 0:18 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 27, 2023 and included Haneris, Zadox, Hardnfast, Shooshy, and Ummwhatever.
2/27/2023 No media 0:17 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 27, 2023 and included Aleome, Firsten, Marrlanna, Gerny and Grannola.
2/28/2023 No media 0:23 hrs This heroic+ run occurred on February 28, 2023 and included Aleome, Vanmoriel, Saggie, Vindyamireil and Odinson.
12/27/2023 No media 0:14 hrs This heroic run occurred on December 27, 2023 and included Umoar, Varthstank, Sagginkrad, Dragoboom and Skiama.
1/2/2024 0:18 hrs This heroic run occurred on January 2, 2024 and included Umoar, Zaraerii, Ables, Syleannex and Ashgard.

Blackfathom Deeps

Level 22-32
Number of Players 5
Location Ashenvale
Key Restrictions This dungeon does not require a key.


Date Media Duration Notes
9/19/2020 No media Unknown Successful run with just Beergrande to earn Argent Dawn reputation.
1/2/2021 No media 1:00 hrs Giyera (Lvl 38), Masarap (43) and Sharpklawz (60) to complete Giyera's Warlock quest. No issues.
8/11/2021 No media 1:02 hrs Floristine (Lvl 70), Balot (28). This was a gear run for Balot and to farm magical items for disenchanting. Balot also need to skill up her crossbow skill.

Blackrock Caverns

Level 80-82
Number of Players 5
Location Blackrock Mountain


Date Media Duration Notes
5/21/2024 0:15 hrs This normal run occurred on May 21, 2024 and included Umoar with members of the Probably Going to Wipe guild, including Nieechs, Greymourn, Concealstrom and Squenna. First initial run two days after Cataclysm Classic launch. Good run.
5/24/2024 0:19 hrs This normal run occurred on May 24, 2024 and included Umoar with members of the Probably Going to Wipe guild, including Greymourn, Squenna, Adumbpally and Pandorastar. Good run with the usual banter. This was the first of three runs in this dungeon for this evening.
5/24/2024 0:21 hrs This normal run occurred on May 24, 2024 and included Umoar with members of the Probably Going to Wipe guild, including Greymourn, Squenna, Adumbpally and Pandorastar. Good run with the usual banter. This was the second of three runs in this dungeon for this evening.
5/24/2024 0:14 hrs This normal run occurred on May 24, 2024 and included Umoar with some members of the Probably Going to Wipe guild, including Nairzhul and and Brookelyn. The other two players were PUGs. This was the third of three runs in this dungeon for this evening.
11/7/2024   1:02 hrs This elemental rune heroic run occurred on November 7, 2024 and included Umoar, Greymourn, Vongrowl, Tuckai and Wardogwolf.

Blackrock Depths

Level 52-60
Number of Players 5
Location Blackrock Mountain
Key Restrictions (Attunements) None. However, the lower part of the instance can be bypassed with a Shadowforge Key. The Shadowforge Key is obtained form the spirit of Franclorn Forgewright when the quest Dark Iron Legacy is completed.


Date Media Duration Notes
11/25/2020 No media 3:30 hrs Floristine (56), Beergrande (56), Mighthealyou (57), Faegin (57), Naimarius (59). With the goal to acquire the Shadowforge Key on this run, we were successful. There was only one wipe when we opened a vault and the constructs unexpectedly came to life. Finished three quests.
11/27/2020 No media 2:30 hrs Floristine (57), Beergrande (57), Mighthealyou (58), Faegin (59), Naimarius (60). Wiped five times and finally gave up at Golem Lord Argelmach. Finished a couple quests. But we need to return again.
12/2/2020 No media 3:00 hrs Floristine (59), Beergrande (59), Mighthealyou (60), Faegin (59), Naimarius (60). On the way in, both Floristine and Beergrande jumped in the lava on the way in thinking it would not hurt them. Unfortuneatly, both died two times. There were a total of four wipes. Ended when we tried to escort Marshal Windsor out...and failed.
12/7/2020 No media 4:00 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Faegin (60), Naimarius (60). Two wipes. Finally got it finished.
1/26/2021 3:07 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Kraggs (60), Gwracch (60). Since everybody was level 60, this was purely a loot run. There were no wipes or deaths.
2/13/2021 4:20 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Tylythteg (60), Kraggs (60). This run was to help Tylythteg complete quests. There was only one wipe when Kraggs performed an AoE in the Grim Guzzler and we got too many bar patrons. By the time we got back to the Grim Guzzler, Ribbly Screwspigot had already died and his body was gone. Tylythteg was unable to complete his quest. Kraggs got a nice upgrade on his pants.
2/16/2021 3:40 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Tylythteg (60), Kraggs (60). This run was to help Tylythteg complete quests and to look for more BiS gear. No wipes!! Floristine got her Hand of Justice.
4/2/2021 3:45 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Cruzon (55), Leonaldo (56). Leonaldo made level 57 and Cruzon made level 56. Mighthealyou died once and had to make the long run back. Shortly thereafter, we all wiped in the torch room.
4/9/2021 No media 3:30 hrs Floristine (60), Mighthealyou (60), Cruzon (57), Leonaldo (59), Thumpër (56). Cruzon and Leonaldo both leveled during the run. Cruzon, Leonaldo and Thumpër did get some gear. There were two wipes during the run. Floristine also died once. We did finish the run though.
4/16/2021 No media 2:35 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Cruzon (59), Capilalo (56). Multiple wipes. Eventually, the respawns prevented us from continuing on. Capilalo did get some good hunter gear.
4/23/2021 No media 3:20 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Cruzon (60), Danyr (58). One wipe when tank did not know to charge into the Guzzler for Ribly. Could not back it through The Lyceum without wiping. Too many wipes and the respawns started. Called it quits after 3:20 hours.

Caverns of Time: The Black Morass

Level 70 (Normal Mode)
70 (Heroic Mode)
Number of Players 5
Location Tanaris
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
8/5/2021 1:12 hrs The 8/5/2021 run included Floristine (70), Cruzon (68), Imperius (70), Ryuji (70), Aceyfrog (70). For some of us, this was our first visit to this dungeon. We made three attempts to completing it. We were able to get to the 12th portal, but were unable to complete it. We abandoned the dungeon after the three attempts.
8/12/2021 0:37 hrs This August 12, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Cruzon (70), Imperius (70), Ryuji (70), Naimarius (70). It was a perfect run of this very difficult dungeon. Naimarius offered up great advice and a strategy that worked perfectly. All were able to complete their respective quests. This was a text-book example of completing this dungeon.
8/19/2021 0:36 hrs This August 19, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Imperius (70), Beergrande (70), Sharpklawz (70), Kraggs (70). This was Beergrande's first visit to this dungeon. There were no issues as we were able to complete it on the first attempt. No significant drops occurred, but Beergrande was able to advance her Karazhan attunement.
8/22/2021 1:17 hrs. This August 22, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Imperius (70), Ryuji (70), Sharpklawz (70), Cruzon (70). This particular run proved to be a little more challenging that previous runs through this dungeon. There was one wipe that required a reset. After that, the run was completed with no other issues.
8/29/2021 0:30 hrs This August 29, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Imperius (70), Kraggs (70), Naimarius (70), Pokertoker (70). This run was to complete the daily normal dungeon run. No deaths, issues or significant drops.
10/8/2021 No media 2:21 hrs This October 8, 2021 heroic run included Floristine (70), Imperius (70), Ryuji (70), Naimarius (70), Kraggs (70).
10/12/2021 No media 0:32 hrs This October 12, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Imperius (70), Ryuji (70), Sharpklawz (70), Kraggs (70).
10/12/2021 No media 0:31 hrs This October 12, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Imperius (70), Ryuji (70), Sharpklawz (70), Kraggs (70).
10/15/2021 No media 0:31 hrs This October 15, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Imperius (70), Ryuji (70), Sharpklawz (70), Kraggs (70).
4/22/2022 0:39 hrs This normal April 22, 2022 run included Beergrande (70), Olaivia (70), Palamos (70), Mystaria (70) and Naiwahren (70). Now that we have Palamos attuned to Black Morass, Beergrande needed to run Black Morass to have a chance to acquire the Legplates of the Bold from Aeonus. Unfortunately, the legplates did not drop. However, an interesting trinket was dropped by Temporus. It was called the Hourglass of the Unraveller. Both Palamos and Beergrande rolled for it. Beergrande won the roll and the trinket.
5/8/2022 0:37 hrs This normal May 8th, 2022 run included Beergrande (70), Mystaria (70), Naiwahren (70), Kraggs (70), Pyxieduste (70). Beergrande needed to run Black Morass to have a chance to acquire the Legplates of the Bold from Aeonus. It did not drop.
5/8/2022 No media 0:38 hrs This normal May 8th, 2022 run included Beergrande (70), Mystaria (70), Naiwahren (70), Kraggs (70), Pyxieduste (70). It was the second run of the night.

Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad Foothills

Level 66-68 (Normal Mode)
70s (Heroic Mode)
Number of Players 5
Location Tanaris
Key Restrictions No keys required.
Notes None


Date Media Duration Notes
7/13/2021 1:09 hrs Floristine (70), Beergrande (69), Sharpklawz (70), Dyse (67), Felleber (69). There was one wipe. After the wipe and after reclaiming our bodies, our healer, Felleber, left the party with no explanation or reason. We looked for another healer and found Everia (70). We completed the dungeon with no additional wipes. Completed all quests and it was a good run (with the exception of losing our healer).
7/15/2021 0:52 hrs Floristine (70), Sharpklawz (70), Cruzon (66), Ryuji (69), Imperius (69). Good run with Cruzon as the tank. For those of us that did not complete Don Carlos two nights ago, we got it done this time. However, after completing the run, we discovered that Cruzon was not getting quest updates while in the zone. So we did it again (see below).
7/15/2021 0:48 hrs Floristine (70), Sharpklawz (70), Cruzon (66), Ryuji (69), Imperius (69). This was our second run into Old Hillsbrad Foothills for this evening. We kept a closer eye on Cruzon's quests. In the end, he got them completed. Some gear did drop, but nothing noteworthy.
8/15/2021 0:46 hrs This 8/15/2021 run included Floristine (70), Beergrande (70), Kraggs (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70). Beergrande needed to complete the Don Carlo quest and Kraggs requested the run to complete some of his quests. No deaths or wipes. No significant gear dropped.
10/21/2021 No media 0:53 hrs This October 21, 2021 run included Haneris (67), Beergrande (70), Kraggs (70), Sargitta (70) and Mystira (70).
11/4/2021 No media 0:35 hrs This November 4, 2021 run included Haneris (67), Chyron (70), Kraggs (70), Sargitta (70) and Naimarius (70).
4/22/2022 0:39 hrs This normal April 22, 2022 run included Beergrande (70), Olaivia (70), Palamos (70), Mystaria (70) and Naiwahren (70). We needed to do this run to get Palamos attuned for the Black Morass. Olaivia had also downloaded a totally new game UI and was having fun working through the new configuration as he successfully navigated and tanked the zone. A good, quick run with no issues.
4/24/2022 0:59 hrs This heroic April 24, 2022 run included Floristine (70), Mystaria (70), Naimarius (70), Madrededios (70) and Reileana (70). This run was performed to complete the daily heroic daily quest. Floristine still needs reputation with The Consortium. The Durnholde Wardens seemed to give us a lot of trouble with their heroic abilities to Dispel Magic, Heal, Psychic Scream, Shadow Word: Pain and Unstable Affliction. There was only one wipe, but I think all that were involved would agree that this run was very challenging.

Coilfang Reservoir: The Slave Pens

Level 62-64 (Normal Mode)
70s (Heroic Mode)
Number of Players 5
Location Zangarmarsh
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
6/11/2021 0:54 hrs Floristine (62), Ryuji (63), Imperius (63), Fomalhaut (62), Goje (64). We started this run with Catrina, a rogue. However, after killing the first boss, Catrina had to go AFK. After 10 minutes, Catrina disconnected. So we left the dungeon and looked for a replacement. We had a level 69 hunter, Notjimmy, join us. We reset the dungeon and started the run again. After killing several mobs, Notjimmy bailed. We left the dungeon and searched for another replacement. We found Goje. We did not reset the dungeon because the first boss was not reached. We completed the dungeon in about an hour. There was only one wipe.
6/17/2021 1:15 hrs Floristine (64), Ryuji (64), Imperius (64), Beergrande (64), Cruzon (63). Ryoji and Imperius leveled to 65 during the run. No wipes, but Ryuji required a res a couple of times.
8/27/2021 2:04 hrs This heroic run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Naimarius (70), and Kraggs (70). There were a total of five wipes. They were with a Coilfang Champion, Coilfang Enchantress, Coilfang Defender (they hit hard), Coilfang Champion (again) and Quagmirran. We did finally finish the dungeon though. Good first experience.
9/17/2021 1:24 hrs This September 17, 2021 heroic run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Naimarius (70), and Fomalhaut (70). There were a total of two wipes. The first was with an angry mob of Greater Bogstroks. The second one was with a Coilfang Champion (they still hit really hard). Good run all around.
9/28/2021 1:24 hrs This September 28, 2021 heroic run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Eroslando (70), and Kraggs (70). This run was performed to complete the daily heroic quest. Floristine died early on during an encounter with a Coilfang Slavehandler. Later, there was a wipe during an encounter with Coilfang Tempests.
9/30/2021 0:51 hrs This September 30, 2021 run included Haneris (63), Sargitta (70), Chyron (70), Mystira (62) and Jeffjohnson (64). We did two runs in Slave Pens on this day and this was the first run. The Coilfang Champions became an issue as a group of them killed Haneris and Mystira. The tank, Jeffjohnson, did not mark targets and did not really give the mana users a chance to fully recover. Otherwise, he was a good tank.
9/30/2021 1:03 hrs This September 30, 2021 run included Haneris (63), Sargitta (70), Chyron (70), Mystira (62) and Kraggs (70). We did two runs in Slave Pens on this day and this was the second run. Good reputation run with no wipes, deaths or major drops.
10/24/2021 No media 1:09 hrs This heroic October 24, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Draille (62) and Kraggs (70).

Coilfang Reservoir: The Steamvault

Level 68-70 (Normal Mode)
70s (Heroic Mode)
Number of Players 5
Location Zangarmarsh
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
7/29/2021 0:58 hrs Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Fomalhaut (70), Naimarius (70). There was one wipe when the mobs overwhelmed us. No significant drops. Floristine was able to acquire the first fragment.
8/2/2021 1:02 hrs This August 2, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Naimarius (70), Brookelyn (70), Zubat (70), Limencorona (70). Floristine was asked to come along on this Purple Raid run with Naimarius. Floristine did die two times. The first was on a Bog Overlord (kinda got a little aggressive on the Threat Charts I guess) and the second was first was with the first boss, Hydromacer Thespia. Picked up some good reputation on this run.
8/7/2021 1:11 hrs This August 7, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Beergrande (70), Kraggs (70), Pustules (70), and Genericshama (70). The run was to complete the normal daily dungeon quest. About half way through the instance, Kraggs got pulled away because of a family emergency. In his place, we were able to bring in Balki (70) to complete the run. We completed the daily dungeon quest.
8/20/2021 0:55 hrs This August 20, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Naimarius (70), Kraggs (70), Ryuji (70), and Imperius (70). The run was to complete the normal daily dungeon quest. Floristine was killed during the fight with Hydromancer Thespia. There were no other deaths. Ryuji did get a nice ring called the Scintillating Coral Band. We completed the daily dungeon quest.
8/29/2021 0:41 hrs This August 29, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Naimarius (70), Kraggs (70), Imperius (70) and Alantha (70). There were no wipes and no deaths. There was no significant gear either. This was a very quiet run.
9/10/2021 No media 0:41 hrs This heroic run included Floristine (70), Naimarius (70), Imperius (70), Ryuji (70) and Kraggs (70). The first two wipes were early on with Coilfang Oracles. There were no other wipes until the end with Warlord Kalithresh. No other issues.
9/21/2021 0:59 hrs This September 21, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Sharpklawz (70) and Kraggs (70). This run was to complete the daily normal dungeon quest. There were no deaths, wipes or significant drops. This was a very quiet run.
9/24/2021 0:58 hrs This September 24, 2021 heroic run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Naimarius (70) and Varsol (70). The first wipe occurred when a Coilfang Oracle kept the encounter 'alive' longer than expected. That, coupled with an early sheep-break, caused the group to wipe. There were no other issues, deaths, wipes and no significant gear drops. Good reputation run.
10/3/2021 1:40 hrs This heroic October 3, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Kraggs (70) and Hemphead (70). This run was performed to complete the heroic daily quest. The first wipe occurred early on in the run with Coilfang Oracles. Shortly later, Floristine died two times in two consecutive fights. The second wipe occurred shortly thereafter with Coilfang Engineers. The third wipe was with Coilfang Sirens. There were many other individual deaths. By the time we reached near the end, Floristine was at 26% durability. We had to ask Kraggs to deploy his Field Repair Bot.

Coilfang Reservoir: The Underbog

Level 63-65 (Normal Mode)
70s (Heroic Mode)
Number of Players 5
Location Zangarmarsh
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
6/16/2021 1:39 hrs Floristine (63), Fomalhaut (63), Beergrande (63), Bloodraggy (63) (for 1st part), Ashadiya (63) (for last part), Aenora (63). At approximately 9 1/2 minutes into the run, Bloodraggy left the party unexpectedly with only this in the chat: gotta run. At this point, we had not killed the first boss. We had to recruit a new person to take Bloodraggy's place. Thankfully, we got lucky by inviting Ashadiya (63) to the party. The run then continued. The bosses were challenging. There were some close calls with wipes, but we were able to prevail...until the last boss...The Black Stalker. We wiped two times. The third attempt to be the winner. We completed the dungeon run.
6/23/2021 0:54 hrs Floristine (66), Fomalhaut (65), Beergrande (66), Sharpklawz (66), Dealtfate (66). A good solid run with no significant gear being dropped. However, Floristine was able to complete three quests.
6/24/2021 1:07 hrs Floristine (66), Sharpklawz (66), Cruzon (64), Ryuji (65), Imperius (65). Useless drops and nothing exciting. Our healer, Imperius did die once. No wipes though.
6/24/2021 No media 1:10 hrs Floristine (66), Sharpklawz (66), Cruzon (64), Ryuji (65), Imperius (65). This was our second run through for the night. Cruzon did make level 65 this time.
8/19/2021 1:10 hrs Haneris (63), Mystira (64), Kraggs (70), Sargitta (70), Chyron (70).
10/7/2021 No media 0:58 hrs This October 7, 2021 run included Haneris (63), Mystira (63), Sargitta (68), Chyron (70) and Cruzon (70).
10/7/2021 No media 0:55 hrs This October 7, 2021 run included Haneris (63), Mystira (63), Sargitta (68), Chyron (70) and Cruzon (70). This was our second run through for the night.
4/20/2022 1:33 hrs This heroic April 20, 2022 run included Floristine (70), Mystaria (70), Zalamos (70), Naiwahren (70) and Rahcinante (70). This run was rather uneventful except for the fact that this run include Mystaria (Blood). This marked her return to running dungeons. It also represents one of the last Dark Moon Nova guild runs before their 'shutdown.' Please note that half way through the run, Rahcinante left the party with no explanation. We were able to fill the slot with a Shaman named Buoy (70).

The Culling of Stratholme

Level 79 - 80
Number of Players 5
Location Tanaris
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
11/13/2022 0:34 hrs This non-guild, normal run occurred on November 13, 2022 and included Floristine, Mallet, Violet, Polunocnica and Hemoknight.
11/29/2022 0:26 hrs This normal run occurred on November 29, 2022 and included Haneris, Krenz, Dontari, Kelystinia and Sativaz.
12/6/2022 0:25 hrs This normal run occurred on December 6, 2022 and included Haneris, Krenz, Dontari, Mystira and Irisisia.
2/1/2023 0:28 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 1, 2023 and included Floristine, Papatarts, Feetypajamas, Lighthoe, and Draefu.
2/4/2023 0:32 hrs This heroic+ run occurred on February 4, 2023 and included Florenz, Bazzmagold, Saintshadows, Velucco, and Ssixoh.
2/4/2023 0:30 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 4, 2023 and included Haneris, Cruzon, Stattick, Krenz and Bubblehero.
2/8/2023 0:24 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 8, 2023 and included Haneris, Stattick, Tomjunior, Kazeshi and Bladechaos. Please note that Tomjunior Needed a Frozen Orb when everybody else Greeded on the item. He then left the party with his loot. Later, I whispered with Tomjunior and explained my dissatifaction with his actions. He stated he did it because he Greeded on everything else and Needed this.
2/19/2023 0:31 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 19, 2023 and included Haneris, Stattick, Krenz, Eleene, and Brightbourne.
2/25/2023 0:21 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 25th, 2023 and included Haneris, Bloodlicious, Krenz, Dwarfvader and Badacidtrip.
4/29/2023 0:23 hrs This heroic run occurred on April 29th, 2023 and included Haneris, Krenz, Cruzon, Mightheelu, Kelsora.
12/28/2023 No media 0:25 hrs This heroic run occurred on December 28, 2023 and included Umoar, Rodis, Buttereater, Sagginkrad and Oldmanrvr.
1/5/2024 No media 0:23 hrs This Titan Rune Alpha run occurred on January 5, 2024 and included Umoar, Nottz, Sadieanne, Sagginkrad and Syleannex.

The Deadmines

Level Normal: 15-25
Heroic: 85
Number of Players 5
Location Westfall
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Toon Duration Notes
2/8/2021 Treo 1:45 hrs Treo (19), Zorha (22), Ceriously (19), Magikero (22), Lizanna (23). Good quick run for experience and gear. No wipes.
7/8/2021 1:00 hrs Floristine (69), Balot (21). This run allowed Floristine to complete the Deadmine quests as well as acquire green magic items for Balot to disenchant. Needless to say, there were no deaths.
8/18/2021 1:00 hrs Beergrande (70), Hastarian (19). This was a run to help Beergrande get some Stormwind reputation. Hastarian did make a level during the run. And Hastarian did die twice during the run.

Dire Maul - East

Level 58-60
Number of Players 5
Location Feralas
Key Restrictions (Attunements) None


Date Toon Duration Notes
12/20/2020 Floristine 1:30 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Waerloga (60), Naimarius (60).
12/29/2020 Floristine 1:30 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Waerloga (60), Naimarius (60). This run was to locate the Dusty Tomes. We found one, but it was a grey item. Only one wipe from roaming trees. Good run.
1/12/2021 Floristine 1:30 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Waerloga (60), Naimarius (60). This run was to locate the Dusty Tomes. No major finds. No deaths.
2/17/2021 Umoar 1:30 hrs Umoar (60), Beergrande (60), Mysteria (60), Kraggs (60), Kayenova (56). Good quick run. Umoar was the only death in the group. No wipes. No major drops.
2/21/2021 Umoar 1:30 hrs Umoar (60), Beergrande (60), Caphena (60), Kraggs (60), Kayenova (57). Good quick run. No wipes. No deaths. Some equipment drops and Caphena got his key.
2/25/2021 Umoar 1:40 hrs Umoar (60), Beergrande (60), Kraggs (60), Mystaria (60), Waerloga (60). No wipes and one death. Some equipment did drop, but nothing exceptional.

Dire Maul - North

Level 58-60
Number of Players 5
Location Feralas
Key Restrictions (Attunements) Crescent Key (from Dire Maul East) or a Rogue with a high enough skill in Lock Picking


Date Toon Duration Notes
1/18/2021 Floristine 2:00 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Mellon (60), Naimarius (60). This was not a tribute run. Nice gear drops for Mighthealyou (Boots of the Full Moon). There was one wipe with Captain Kromcrush. Floristine picked up her Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas.
1/25/2021 Floristine 2:30 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Gleipnir (60), Naimarius (60). This was not a tribute run. Not a good run, wiped eight times.
2/23/2021 Floristine 2:00 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Tylythteg (60), Kraggs (60). This was not a tribute run. First wipe was with initial Gordok Mage-Lord. Second wipe was shortly after killing Guard Fengus when a Gordok Brute patrol caught up with us. Wipe number three was with Captain Kromcrush. Finally finished it and got some gear. Need more runs.
2/24/2021 Floristine 1:20 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Tylythteg (60), Kraggs (60). This was not a tribute run. Only one wipe with Captain Kromcrush. Three really good upgrade items.
3/18/2021 Floristine 0:55 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Kraggs (60), Packalot (60). This was not a tribute run. We had one wipe on too much trash. Mighthealyou was hoping for the wand, but it did not drop.
3/30/2021 Floristine 2:30 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Naka (60), Grenadalight (60). This was not a tribute run. Mighthealyou is still hoping for the Mana Channeling Wand (dropped by Cho-Rush the Obsever). We just did not have the DPS to get this done. After 9 wipes, the run had to be called off early. Captain Kromcrush prevailed.

Dire Maul - West

Level 58-60
Number of Players 5
Location Feralas
Key Restrictions (Attunements) Crescent Key (from Dire Maul East) or a Rogue with a high enough skill in Lock Picking


Date Toon Duration Notes
12/31/2020 Floristine 3:00 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Waerloga (60), Naimarius (60). We were able to complete the two quests associated with this dungeon. There were a couple of deaths while fighting the undead as shackled mobs were released prematurely and patrols were not dispensed with properly. More runs are needed as no tomes were located.
1/12/2021 Floristine 3:00 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Waerloga (60), Naimarius (60).
2/27/2021 Floristine 2:30 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Waerloga (60), Kraggs (60). No usuable gear dropped except a cloak for Waerlogo. There was one wipe when trying to get Wearloga's mount. We were unable to finish the mount portion. Unable to finish dungeon due to party members being too tired. We did not try to kill Prince Tortheldrin.

Drak'Tharon Keep


Level 74-76
Number of Players 5
Location Grizzly Hills
Key Restrictions


Date Media Duration Notes
11/06/2022 0:21 hrs This November 6, 2022 normal run included Haneris, Dontari, Krenz, Rumptuff, and Stattick.
11/18/2022 0:28 hrs This November 18, 2022 normal run included Haneris, Krenz, Irisisia, Mystira and Boolders. 17 minutes into the run, Boolders had an real life emergency and had to leave the group. We decided to complete the dungeon with the remaining four players. It was completed with no issues.
2/17/2023 0:35 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 17, 2023 and included Haneris, Stattick, Cruzon, Creansong, and Allyynda.
2/18/2023 0:31 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 18, 2023 and included Haneris, Stattick, Cruzon, Krenz, and Alarune.
12/27/2023 0:33 hrs This heroic run occurred on December 27, 2023 and included Umoar, Varthstank, Sagginkrad, Dragoboom, and Skiama.

End Time


Level 85
Quick Facts
  • Takes place in an alternate Dragonblight.
  • There are five possible boss encounters, but players will only fight three bosses per run.
  • Only available as a Heroic dungeon.
  • All available loot is item level 378.
Number of Players 5
Location Caverns of Time
Key Restrictions None


Date Media Duration Notes
2/23/2025 0:21 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 23, 2025 and included Umoar, Greymourn, Eriellwynta, Squeana and Notalady.

The Forge of Souls


Level 79 - 80
Number of Players 5
Location Icecrown
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
12/30/2023 No media 0:23 hrs This heroic run occurred on December 30th, 2023 and Umoar, Nottz, Stravaig, Balacgssea, and Lyalla.
1/3/2024 No media 0:31 hrs This heroic run occurred on January 3, 2024 and included Umoar, Roricon, Zippik, Cyphor and Sadieann.
1/13/2024 No media 0:19 hrs This Titan Rune Gamma run occurred on January 13, 2024 and included Umoar, Joeken, Aioros, Aerickson and Peythone.
2/12/2024 No media 0:10 hrs This Titan Rune Gamma run occurred on February 12, 2024 and included Umoar, Ashgard, Lyleash, Themisto and Sylverfoxx.


Level 29-38
Number of Players 5
Location Dun Morogh
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
10/21/2020 Quipan 2:00 hrs Quipan (31), Benjil, Aeveri, Maxa, Cerealkiller. This was an unscheduled guild pick up group. There were two wipes.

Grim Batol

Level Normal: 83
Heroic: 85
Number of Players 5
Location Twilight Highlands
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
5/30/2024   0:25 hrs This normal run occurred on May 30, 2024 and included Umoar, Kozah, Ables, Boudilicious and Adumbpally.
6/11/2024   0:33 hrs This heroic run occurred on June 11, 2024 and included Umoar, Greymourn, Squeana, Norbench and Irnschlong.
11/7/2024   0:39 hrs This elemental rune heroic run occurred on November 7, 2024 and included Umoar, Greymourn, Vongrowl, Tuckai and Felwithe (PUG).



Level 76 - 78 (Normal Mode)
80 (Heroic Mode)
Number of Players 5
Location Zul'Drak
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
11/11/2022 0:23 hrs This normal run occurred on November 11, 2022 and included Haneris, Stattick, Krenz, Dontari and Felosoraptor. This was the first of two runs for the evening.
11/11/2022 0:20 hrs This normal run occurred on November 11, 2022 and included Haneris, Stattick, Krenz, Dontari and Felosoraptor. This was the second of two runs for the evening.
11/15/2022 0:32 hrs This normal run occurred on November 15, 2022 and included Haneris, Beergrande, Mystira, Irisisia and Krenz.
1/29/2023 0:19 hrs This heroic run occurred on January 29, 2023 and included Floristine, Urudhras, Darlingjoolz, Runndie and Stattick.
12/30/2023 No media 0:30 hrs This heroic run occurred on December 30th, 2023 and Umoar, Nottz, Sadieann, Roasturballs and Chimmi.
1/2/2024 No media 0:30 hrs This heroic run occurred on January 2, 2024 and included Umoar, Zaraerii, Ables, Syleannex and Ashgard.
1/3/2024 No media 0:31 hrs This heroic run occurred on January 2, 2024 and included Umoar, Varadalis, Wontontruck, Zippik and Sadieann.

Halls of Lightning

Level 79 - 80
Number of Players 5
Location The Storm Peaks
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
11/15/2022 1:12 hrs This normal run occurred on November 15, 2022 and included Haneris, Beergrande, Mystira, Irisisia and Krenz.
11/18/2022 0:27 hrs This non-guild, normal run occurred on November 18, 2022 and included Floristine, Wickedness, Thozon, Gazzamel and Hcranom.
11/20/2022 0:34 hrs This normal run occurred on November 20, 2022 and included Haneris, Dontari, Schooner, Irisisia and Krenz.
12/6/2022 0:34 hrs This normal run occurred on December 6, 2022 and included Haneris, Krenz, Dontari, Mystira and Irisisia.
1/28/2023 0:29 hrs This normal run occurred on January 28, 2023 and included Haneris, Cruzon, Mystira, Gargarensiss and Timetowipe.
1/29/2023 0:21 hrs This heroic run occurred on January 29, 2023 and included Floristine, Scatterheart, Floyd, Honidin and Utilice.
2/4/2023 1:07 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 4, 2023 and included Haneris, Cruzon, Stattick, Krenz and Aemie.
2/9/2023 No media 0:28 hrs This normal run occurred on February 9, 2023 and included Haneris, Phillyroll, Amegetchu, Dorillah, and Schlitzedd.
2/17/2023 0:47 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 17, 2023 and included Haneris, Stattick, Cruzon, Stelucifer, and Evafae.
2/18/2023 0:33 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 18, 2023 and included Haneris, Stattick, Cruzon, Krenz, and Warreddydk.
2/27/2023 0:40 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 27, 2023 and included Haneris, Zadox, Hardnfast, Shooshy, and Ummwhatever.
2/27/2023 0:30 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 27, 2023 and included Aleome, Shulikatu, Balderic, Vettis, and Turtlemonkey.
3/4/2023 0:37 hrs This heroic run occurred on March 4th, 2023 and included Haneris, Krenz, Stattick, Odinsin and Cruzon.
4/22/2023 0:33 hrs This heroic run occurred on April 22nd, 2023 and included Haneris, Krenz, Cruzon, Levisocks and Shidri.
12/30/2023 No media 0:33 hrs This heroic run occurred on December 30th, 2023 and included Umoar, Siara, Vonapier, Ugonfindout and Illithyia..
1/2/2024 0:21 hrs This heroic run occurred on January 2, 2024 and included Umoar, Zaraerii, Ables, Syleannex and Ashgard.

Halls of Origination

Level Normal: 83
Heroic: 85
Number of Players 5
Location Uldum
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
5/30/2024 0:36 hrs This normal run occurred on May 30, 2024 and included Umoar, Irna, Adumbpally, Ables and Opressora. Ables had to leave mid-dungeon and was resplaced by Ladoo. This was the first of two runs this evening.
5/30/2024 0:33 hrs This normal run occurred on May 30, 2024 and included Umoar, Adumbpally, Ables, Lyshell and Bjo. This was the second of two runs this evening.
6/2/2024 None 0:31 hrs This normal run occurred on June 2, 2024 and included Sagginkrad, Greymourn, Bluedruid, Lillcritties, and Umoar.
6/3/2024 None 0:35 hrs This normal run occurred on June 3, 2024 and included Sagginkrad, Umoar, Sturd, Litris and Adumbpally.
6/4/2024   0:56 hrs This heroic run occurred on June 4, 2024 and included Sagginkrad, Umoar, Adumbpally, Greymourn and Squena.
6/9/2024   0:41 hrs This heroic run occurred on June 9, 2024 and included Sagginkrad, Umoar, Bluedruid, Roddent and Ceezian.

Halls of Reflection

Level 79 - 80
Number of Players 5
Location Icecrown
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
mm/dd/yyyy 0:00 hrs

Halls of Stone

Level 77 - 79 (Normal Mode)
80 (Heroic Mode)
Number of Players 5
Location The Storm Peaks
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
11/13/2022 0:49 hrs This normal run occurred on November 13, 2022 and included Haneris, Irisisia, Krenz, Mystira and Beergrande.
11/20/2022 0:29 hrs This normal run occurred on November 20, 2022 and included Haneris, Dontari, Sitta, Irisisia and Krenz.
12/28/2023 No media 0:25 hrs This heroic run occurred on December 28, 2023 and included Umoar, Rodis, Buttereater, Sagginkrad and Oldmanrvr.
1/6/2024 0:25 hrs This beta run occurred on January 6, 2024 and included Umoar, Sagginkrad, Sadieann, Dragoboom, and Bustinciders.
2/1/2024 0:28 hrs This gamma run occurred on February 1, 2024 and included Umoar, Sagginkrad, Zaralynne (all from Probably Going to Wipe), Rollers and Skamp.

Hellfire Citadel - The Blood Furnace


Level 61-63 (Normal Mode)
70s (Heroic Mode)
Number of Players 5
Location Hellfire Peninsula
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Toon Duration Notes
6/3/2021 2:00 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Cruzon (60), Naimarius (61). Second run of the night (first was through The Ramparts). The difficulty was much greater as we wiped twice. Some gear did drop, especially for Mighthealyou.
6/10/2021 1:00 hrs Floristine (62), Beergrande (62), Cruzon (62), Ryuji (62), Imperius (63). Good run with no wipes. Ryuji did require a res.
7/19/2021 0:54 hrs This 7/19/2021 run included Umoar (60), Kraggs (66), Mystaria (65), Lamchop (62), and Chorisma (69). There were no deaths, wipes or issues. No significant gear dropped.
8/22/2021 0:55 hrs This 8/22/2021 run included Umoar (62), Cruzon (70), Mystaria (66), Sargitta (68), and Imperius (70). No deaths, no wipes, no gear.
9/23/2021 0:54 hrs This September 23, 2021 run included Haneris (62), Sargitta (70), Chyron (70), Mystira (62) and Kraggs (70). This was the first run of the evening. There were no deaths, wipes or significant gear drops.
9/23/2021 0:49 hrs This September 23, 2021 run included Haneris (62), Sargitta (70), Chyron (70), Mystira (62) and Kraggs (70). This was the second run of the evening. There were no deaths, wipes or significant gear drops.
4/11/2022 1:38 hrs This heroic run occurred on April 11, 2022 and included Floristine, Youu, Naiwahren, Zalamos and Coopdaww. The goal of this run was twofold. First, it was to gather more badges. Second, Coopdaww was hoping for the Libram of Advengement to drop from The Maker. Both goals were attained. Congrats Coopdaww on acquiring the Libram.

Hellfire Citadel - Hellfire Ramparts


Level 60-62 (Normal Mode)
70s (Heroic Mode)
AKA Ramparts
Number of Players 5
Location Hellfire Peninsula
Key Restrictions No keys required for a normal run. For a heroic run, the Flamewrought Key is required (you must be revered with Honor Hold to purchase key).


Date Media Duration Notes
6/3/2021 0:59 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Cruzon (60), Naimarius (61). Our first fun in a dungeon after the release of The Burning Crusade. We did very well with no wipes, although there were some individual deaths. Got some gear and picked up the things needed to complete the quest Weaken the Ramparts (we decided not to turn it in due to current low reputation).
6/4/2021 0:54 hrs Floristine (60), Cruzon (60), Mysteria (60), Ryuji (60), Imperius (61). Good run with NO deaths.
6/11/2021 0:42 hrs Floristine (62), Cruzon (62), Ryuji (63), Imperius (63), Brandonwalsh (63). No incidents to report. Floristine leveled to 63 during the run.
7/12/2021 0:52 hrs Umoar (60), Kedlat (60), Kraggs (61), Mystaria (61), Nestfreemark (62). With the return of Kraggs, we needed to tackle some level-appropriate dungeons. This run went off without a hitch. There were a couple of deaths, but no wipes.
7/19/2021 0:44 hrs This July 19, 2021 run included Umoar (60), Kraggs (66), Mystaria (65), Lamchop (62), and Bengorhim (61). This was to continue leveling Umoar and other lower level alts. There were no deaths and no significant equipment dropped.
9/9/2021 0:41 hrs This September 9, 2021 run included Haneris (60), Cruzon (70), Sargitta (69), Chyron (70), and Zulou (60). This was Haneris' introduction to a dungeon. He did die a couple of times, but there were no wipes.
9/9/2021 0:41 hrs This September 9, 2021 run included Haneris (60), Cruzon (70), Sargitta (69), Chyron (70), and Zulou (60). This was second run through this dungeon on this day.
9/16/2021 0:55 hrs This September 16, 2021 run included Haneris (61), Sargitta (70), Chyron (70), Mystira (60) and Jeffjohnson (58). This first run of the evening did some some occasionaly dying, but there were no wipes. Some gear dropped for some people but nothing exciting.
9/16/2021 0:53 hrs This September 16, 2021 run included Haneris (61), Sargitta (70), Chyron (70), Mystira (60) and Jeffjohnson (58). This second run of the evening also saw some death. And again...some blue gear dropped, especially for the paladin Jeffjohnson.

Hellfire Citadel - The Shattered Halls


Level 69-70 (Normal Mode)
70s (Heroic Mode)
Number of Players 5
Location Hellfire Peninsula
Key Restrictions For either the normal or heroic version of Shattered Halls, one person in the group must possess the Shattered Halls Key.


Date Media Duration Notes
8/3/2021 1:17 hrs This 8/3/2021 run included Floristine (70), Beergrande (70), Kraggs (70), Lifebloom (69), and Locknload (70). This run was Floristine's first run through this dungeon. Floristine did die once when she got too aggressive and pulled aggro from Kraggs. Later, while engaging with Shattered Hand Centurions, we wiped. In the end, we completed some quests and got some gear. Good run.
8/20/2021 1:01 hrs This 8/20/2021 run included Floristine (70), Kraggs (70), Naimarius (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70). No deaths, wipes, or significant gear. A very quiet run.
8/24/2021 1:02 hrs This August 24, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Kraggs (70), Naimarius (70), Ryuji (70), and Imperius (70). There was a wipe that occurred when an encounter with a Shadowmoon Darkcaster caused Floristine to fear into the next encounter, drawing the new group in the battle-weary heroes. After that, there were no other deaths, wipes and no significant gear drops.
9/2/2021 1:04 hrs This September 2, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Fomalhaut (70), Bloodlicious (70), Ryuji (70), and Imperius (70). This was a very 'quiet' run as there were no deaths, wipes or significant drops.
9/12/2021 1:31 hrs This September 12, 2021 run was the first of two Shattered Hall runs for the evening and included Floristine (70), Cruzon (70), Sharpklawz (70), Ryuji (70), and Imperius (70). This was Cruzon's first run through this dungeon. Things were going very well until we reached the final boss, Warchief Kargath Bladefist. There was only one wipe on this encounter. No other issues.
9/12/2021 0:55 hrs This September 12, 2021 run was the second of two Shattered Hall runs for the evening and included Floristine (70), Cruzon (70), Sharpklawz (70), Ryuji (70), and Imperius (70). No wipes or issues. No significant gear either.
10/10/2021 No media 1:14 hrs This October 10, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Kraggs (70), Beergrande (70), Sargitta (70), and Imperius (70).
10/15/2021 No media 1:07 hrs This heroic October 15, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Kraggs (70), Dealagge (70), Ryuji (70), and Imperius (70).
10/24/2021 No media 1:00 hrs This heroic October 24, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Kraggs (70), Sharpklawz (70), Ryuji (70), and Imperius (70).
11/2/2021 0:53 hrs This November 2, 2021 run was the first of two Shattered Hall runs for the evening and included Floristine (70), Kraggs (70), Sharpklawz (70), Ryuji (70), and Imperius (70). Floristine was able to make Exalted with Honor Hold on this run. No wipes or issues. No significant gear either.
11/2/2021 0:53 hrs This November 2, 2021 run was the second of two Shattered Hall runs for the evening and included Floristine (70), Kraggs (70), Sharpklawz (70), Ryuji (70), and Imperius (70). Sharpklawz was very close to making Revered with Honor Hold on this run. However, at the end of the run, Sharpklawz was short about 193 points. No wipes or issues. No significant gear either.
4/10/2022 0:46 hrs This heroic run occurred on April 10, 2022. It included Olavia, Brookelyn, Limencorona and Naiwahren.

Hour of Twilight


Level 85
Quick Facts
  • Takes place in the Well of Eternity.
  • Takes place in current day Dragonblight.
  • There are three boss encounters.
  • Only available as a Heroic dungeon.
  • All available loot is item level 378.
Number of Players 5
Location Caverns of Time
Key Restrictions None


Date Media Duration Notes
2/23/2025 0:25 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 23, 2025 and included Umoar, Greymourn, Eriellwynta, Squeana and Vongrowl.

Lost City of the Tol'vir

Level Normal: 83
Heroic: 85
Number of Players 5
Location Uldum
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
6/3/2024 None 0:18 hrs This normal run occurred on 6/3/2024 and included Adumbpally, Sagginkrad, Umoar, Oldfartt and Slicbackdots. This was the first of two runs.
6/3/2024   0:14 hrs This normal run occurred on 6/3/2024 and included Adumbpally, Sagginkrad, Umoar, Bloodpudding and Inusualy. This was the second of two runs.
6/4/2024 None 0:21 hrs This heroic run occurred on 6/4/2024 and included Adumbpally, Sagginkrad, Greymourn, Umoar and Squeana.

Lower Blackrock Spire


Level 55-60
Number of Players 5
Location Blackrock Mountain
Key Restrictions (Attunements) None


Date Toon Duration Notes
1/29/2021 Floristine 3:50 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Gleipnir (60), Kraggs (60). Able to get all the way to Urok Doomhowl. Then we wiped on the fifth wave of elites. When we returned to the location where we wiped, we were unable to respawn Urok. So we continued on. We wiped again on Quartermaster Zigris. It was getting late and we decided to call it for the night. Finished two quests and some usable gear did drop.
1/31/2021 Floristine 1:45 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Gleipnir (60), Kraggs (60). Three wipes during this run. Once we all got poisoned for Mother's Milk, we all had to 'hearth' out. However, two in the party, namely Kraggs and Beergrande, had their poison removed while in the city and was unable to complete the quest. Gotta go back and do it again.
2/2/2021 Floristine 1:45 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Gleipnir (60), Kraggs (60). Got Kraggs and Beergrande milked. There was only one wipe.
2/4/2021 Floristine 3:50 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Gleipnir (60), Kraggs (60). Finally completed the dungeon with only three wipes. Whew!!
2/9/2021 Floristine 2:50 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Gleipnir (60), Kraggs (60). Only one wipe. Beergrande got some good upgrades.
2/18/2021 Floristine 2:30 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Tylythteg (60), Kraggs (60). Only one wipe at Urok Doomhowl. Completed zone with just a few equipment upgrades.
2/19/2021 Floristine 2:30 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Tylythteg (60), Kraggs (60). Mighthealyou got very excited as she looted the Codex: Prayer of Fortitude II during a fight with Firebrand Darkweavers. The first wipe occurred when the party was overwhelmed by Firebrand Grunts. We were able to complete the Urok Doomhowl event without dying for the first time.
3/11/2021 Floristine 2:10 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Kraggs (60), Naimarius (60). No wipes. No deaths. Mighthealyou got the ring Mark of the Dragon Lord. And Naimarius was able to complete his quest for Blackrock bracers.

Magisters' Terrace

Level 70
Number of Players 5
Location Isle of Quel'Danas
Key Restrictions Normal: No keys required.
Heroic: Must complete the quest Hard to Kill in normal mode before unlock heroic mode.


Date Media Duration Notes
5/11/2022 0:51 hrs This normal run occurred on May 11, 2022 and included Floristine, Mystira, Brookelyn, Naimarius and Denzil. This was our first run through the dungeon. Although there was one wipe, the run was very well controlled and seemed to go without a hitch.
5/13/2022 0:53 hrs This normal run occurred on May 13, 2022 and included Floristine, Mystira, Brookelyn, Naimarius and Kinraju. This run was supposed to be a heroic run. However, when we attempted to enter the heroic version, our healer, Kinraju, reported that he was not attuned for the heroic version. We all decided to change it to a non-heroic version to get him attuned and then attempt the heroic version. There was one wipe that occurred with the Brightscale Wyrms (these guys are the only thing that seems to give us grief in the non-heroic version of this dungeon). No other issues or significant drops. We did get Kinraju attuned.
5/13/2022 1:00 hrs This heroic run occurred on May 13, 2022 and included Floristine, Mystira, Brookelyn, Naimarius and Kinraju. After getting our healer Kinraju attuned to Magisters' Terrace, we attempted to complete the dungeon once again. But this time in heroic mode. We were unable to complete the run. The second boss of the dungeon, Vexallus, was too difficult to defeat. We made seven attempts to vanquish Vexallus. But it was clear we did not fully understand the strategy needed to defeat him. We did not complete the run.
5/15/2022 0:40 hrs This normal run occurred on May 15, 2022 and included Floristine, Brookelyn, Naimarius, Kyna and Gezipewpew. This run exhibited no issues or significant drops.


Level 45-52
AKA Mara
Number of Players 5
Location Desolace
Key Restrictions No keys required.
Notes If one of the party members have the Scepter of Celebras, ensure they have it on them. This will create a portal and teleport the party members to Earth Song Falls in Inner Maraudon. Only one party member needs to have the scepter to open the portal for the party.


Date Toon Duration Notes
10/19/2020 Floristine 3:45 hrs Floristine, Beergrande, Mighthealyou, Faegin, Swiftness. Started 30 minutes late. No wipes, but Beergrande did have to be res'd once. Completed five quests.
10/25/2020 Floristine 2:30 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande, Mighthealyou, Faegin, Swiftness. No wipes, very good group. Had three quests to turn in and leveled to 48.
11/7/2020 Floristine 1:20 hrs Floristine (51), Beergrande (51), Mighthealyou (55), Faegin (54), Wooblepally (60). Since all quests have been completed on previous runs, this run was to get more experience and pickup possible drops to better gear. Beergrande did die once due to Noxious Slime acid. Extremely fast run through Purple side. Floristine got about 25% of a level.
2/24/2021 Floristine 0:20 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Honeytrap (60), Kraggs (60). This run was for a ring for Kraggs. The ring is the Blackstone Ring which is dropped by Princess Theradras. He got his ring!!

The Nexus


Level 71-73
Number of Players 5
Location Borean Tundra
Key Restrictions Normal: None
Heroic: Level 80 with no specific attunement or key requirements.


Date Media Duration Notes
10/14/2022 0:38 hrs This normal run occurred on October 14, 2022 and included Krenz, Haneris, Stattick, Mageh and Birkie.
10/17/2022 0:38 hrs This non-guild normal run occurred on October 17, 2022 and included Floristine, Darzaan, Crpsmker, Bighealspls, and Shendelezare.
11/11/2022 0:29 hrs This normal run occurred on November 11, 2022 and included Haneris, Krenz, Mystira and Dontari. In fact, Mystira requested this run to complete some quests. Although this is normally a 5-man run, this run was completed successfully with four people.
1/5/2023 1:20 hrs This normal run occurred on January 5, 2023 and included Umoar, Mighthealyou, Cruzon, Lorac and Oreme.
1/21/2023 0:34 hrs This normal run occurred on January 21, 2023 and included Umoar, Cruzon, Dontari, Sharpklawz and Shivershot.
2/23/2023 0:24 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 23, 2023 and included Florenz, Cosmica, Saggie, Bluejunk and Sinpaws.
2/25/2023 0:21 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 25th, 2023 and included Haneris, Bloodlicious, Krenz, Darknite and Swiftpotato.
12/28/2023 No media 0:25 hrs This heroic run occurred on December 28, 2023 and included Umoar, Rodis, Buttereater, Sagginkrad and Oldmanrvr.
1/12/2024 No media 1:07 hrs This Titan Rune Beta run occurred on January 12, 2024 and included Umoar, Bustinciders, Kelystinia, Sagginkrad and Calcaan.

The Oculus

Level 79 - 80
Number of Players 5
Location Borean Tundra
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
11/19/2022 0:51 hrs This normal, non-guild run occurred on November 19, 2022 and included Floristine, Kimiaoi, Deyacyron, Cubipali and Alairn. After wiping two times (at 36 minutes into the run), Alairn left the group for no reason. Apparently, he rage-quit and left with no explanation.
11/26/2022 0:25 hrs This normal, non-guild run occurred on November 26, 2022 and included Floristine, Jesh, Firispewpew, Achom and Bloodysunday.
11/29/2022 0:28 hrs This normal run occurred on November 29, 2022 and included Haneris, Krenz, Dontari, Kelystinia and Sekai.
2/5/2023 0:45 hrs This heroic+ run occurred on February 5, 2023 and included Florenz, Auraliss, Sonsing, Fudav and Xdumond.
2/23/2023 No media 0:20 hrs This normal run occurred on February 23, 2023 and included Florenz, Cosmica, and Saggie.
2/28/2023 No media 0:21 hrs This normal run occurred on February 28, 2023 and included Aleome, Elmenery, Vanmoriel, Darkevils and Saggie.
4/22/2023 0:38 hrs This heroic run occurred on April 22nd, 2023 and included Haneris, Krenz, Cruzon, Levisocks and Shidri.
4/29/2023 0:26 hrs This heroic run occurred on April 29th, 2023 and included Haneris, Krenz, Cruzon, Mightheelu, Kelsora.
1/5/2024 No media 0:37 hrs This Titan Rune Alpha run occurred on January 5, 2024 and included Umoar, Nottz, Sadieanne, Sagginkrad and Syleannex.

Pit of Saron

Level 79 - 80
Number of Players 5
Location Icecrown
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
1/3/2024 No media 0:31 hrs This heroic run occurred on January 3, 2024 and included Umoar, Peachjuice, Zippik, Sadieann and Soulsinge.
1/12/2024 No media 0:12 hrs This heroic run occurred on January 12, 2024 and included Umoar, PriorityHelp, Tusturtime, Gracee and Stormyskyes. The run was not completed.

Ragefire Chasm

Ragefire Chasm consists of a network of volcanic caverns that lie below the orcs' new capital city of Orgrimmar. Recently, rumors have spread that a cult loyal to the demonic Shadow Council has taken up residence within the Chasm's fiery depths. This cult, known as the Burning Blade, threatens the very sovereignty of Durotar. Many believe that the orc Warchief, Thrall, is aware of the Blade's existence and has chosen not to destroy it in the hopes that its members might lead him straight to the Shadow Council. Either way, the dark powers emanating from Ragefire Chasm could undo all that the orcs have fought to attain.

Level 15-25
Number of Players 5
Location Orgrimmar
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
5/27/2024 0:03 hrs This run occurred on May 27, 2024 and included Umoar, Squeana, Greymourn and Vongrowl. This run was accomplished to close out the achievement for the guild.

Razorfen Downs

Crafted from the same mighty vines as Razorfen Kraul, Razorfen Downs is the traditional capital city of the quillboar race. The sprawling, thorn-ridden labyrinth houses a veritable army of loyal quillboar as well as their high priests - the Death's Head tribe. Recently, however, a looming shadow has fallen over the crude den. Agents of the undead Scourge - led by the lich, Amnennar the Coldbringer - have taken control over the quillboar race and turned the maze of thorns into a bastion of undead might. Now the quillboar fight a desperate battle to reclaim their beloved city before Amnennar spreads his control across the Barrens.

Level 40-50
Number of Players 5
Location The Barrens
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Toon Duration Notes
10/14/2020 Floristine 2:00 hrs Floristine (45), Beergrande (45), Mighthealyou (46), Antharin (42), Faegin (45). Good run but seemed to be too high level.
4/28/2021 Quipan 1:30 hrs Fomalhaut (41), Chloekin (51), Quipan (42), Masarap (49), Mystira (47). Quipan and Fomalhaut made a level.

Razorfen Kraul

Level 32-42
Number of Players 5
Location The Barrens
Key Restrictions No keys required.

Scarlet Monastary - Armory

Level 32 - 42
Number of Players 5
Location Tirisfal Glades
Key Restrictions The Scarlet Key


Date Toon Duration Notes
1/2/2021 Quipan 0:50 hrs Quipan (40), Lukkystrike (38), Cadric (36), Honeytrap (40), Mysteria (44). After reaching the final boss, the group wiped. When we reentered the dungeon (at the start), all mobs respawned. We found ourselves fighting all the way to the final boss again. And again, we wiped. It was getting late and we quit before we were able to complete the dungeon.
1/10/2021 Quipan 0:45 hrs Quipan (42), Cadric (41), Masarap (44), Mysteria (44), Mighthealyou (60). Quick gear run.
4/21/2021 Giyera 0:30 hrs Giyera (40), Ceriously (34), Fomalhaut (41), Gandoulf (44), Cacophony (40). No issues on this run.

Scarlet Monastary - Cathedral

Level 35 - 45
Number of Players 5
Location Tirisfal Glades
Key Restrictions The Scarlet Key


Date Toon Duration Notes
1/10/2021 Quipan (Lvl 42) 0:50 Quipan (42), Cadric (41), Masarap (44), Mysteria (44), Mighthealyou (60). Quick gear run.
2/1/2021 Quipan (Lvl 42) 0:45 Quipan (42), Tankofun (38), Kassandretha (38), Brighidd (34), Pixupocket (37). No wipes.
4/21/2021 Giyera 0:50 hrs Giyera (40), Ceriously (34), Fomalhaut (41), Gandoulf (44), Cacophony (40). No issues on this run.

Scarlet Monastary - Graveyard

Level 26 - 36
Number of Players 5
Location Tirisfal Glades
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Toon Duration Notes
1/2/2021 Quipan 0:30 hrs Quipan (39), Lukkystrike (38), Cadric (36), Honeytrap (40), Mysteria (44). No issues on this run. Just run in, get the final boss, and exit before anybody noticed we were there.
1/14/2021 Thancelina 1:00 hrs Thancelina (35), Mysteria (44), Honeytrap (46). Run for experience and drops.
1/14/2021 (2nd Run) Thancelina 1:00 hrs Thancelina (35), Mysteria (44), Honeytrap (46). Run for experience and drops.
8/19/2021 0:00 hrs Floristine (70), Balot (31)

Scarlet Monastary - Library

Level 29 - 39
Number of Players 5
Location Tirisfal Glades
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Toon Duration Notes
1/2/2021 Quipan Quipan (40), Lukkystrike (38), Cadric (36), Honeytrap (40), Mysteria (44). No issues on this run. All were successful in retrieving the key.
4/21/2021 Giyera 0:35 hrs Giyera (40), Ceriously (34), Fomalhaut (40), Gandoulf (44), Cacophony (40). No issues on this run. Fomalhaut made a level. Ceriously and Giyera picked up the scarlett key.
8/19/2021 0:00 hrs Floristine (70), Balot (31)


Level 55-60
AKA Scholo
Number of Players 5
Location Western Plaguelands
Key Restrictions None
What to Bring Argent Dawn Commission Tricket
Any gear for killing undead


Date Toon Duration Notes
10/7/2020 Umoar 3:00 hrs Successful run with no wipes.
10/23/2020 Umoar 3:00 hrs Umoar (60), Sharpklawz (60), Narcil (60), Swiftness (58) and Marksmash (55). Started 10 minutes early. Wiped five times and finally gave up without completing the zone when Rattlegore and his risen constructs beat us.
2/21/2021 Floristine 3:45 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Tylythteg (60), Kraggs (60). Two wipes. Some good equipment and quests completed.
3/1/2021 Floristine 3:45 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Kraggs (60), Honeytrap (60), Sharpklawz (60). There were a few wipes and lots of individual deaths. Sharpklawz and Honeytrap completed their quests. Sharpklawz then logged out and switched over to Mighthealyou. However, after finding the respawns were returning, it was decided to not continue again for a third time.
3/2/2021 Floristine 2:20 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Tylythteg (60), Kraggs (60). Beergrande and Mighthealyou got nice upgrades on the shoulders. Once again, Rattlegore took out Kraggs, Mighthealyou and Foristine. Beergrande also got her Helm of Valor (Tier 0). No wipes.
3/16/2021 Floristine 1:40 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Kraggs (60), Falcõrn (60). Beergrande was not feeling well, so we had to bring in Falcõrn. Good run with NO deaths. Mighthealyou did pick up the Pattern: Robe of the Void and the Sash of Mercy.
5/20/2021 Floristine 2:45 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Cruzon (60), Abraxoss (58). No wipes. Floristine was able to complete her epic mount quest. Beergrande and Floristine finished the quest The Lich, Ras Frostwhisper.

Shadowfang Keep

Level Normal: 11
Heroic: 85
Number of Players 5
Location Silverpine Forest
Key Restrictions None.


Date Toon Duration Notes
1/3/2021 Giyera Giyera (38), Masarap (43), Lyndarra (26), Mellon (60)
1/11/2021 Thancelina Thancelina (35), Mighthealyou (60). Tank training run for Thancelina.
3/10/2021 Treo 1:10 hrs Treo (23), Fomelhaut (27). Magikero (24), Deeplock (30), Ceriously (26). Good xp and gear run. Fomelhaut leveled to 28 and there were no wipes. Only one death during run.
3/10/2021 Treo 1:00 hrs Treo (23), Fomelhaut (28). Magikero (24), Deeplock (30), Ceriously (26). Good xp and gear run. Both Magikero and Ceriously made one level. No deaths or wipes.
6/5/2024 None 1:00 hrs This heroic run occurred on 6/5/2024 and included Umoar, Squeana, Adumbpally, Vongrowl and Greymourn.
6/11/2024 None 0:44 hrs This heroic run occurred on June 11, 2024 and included Umoar, Kelystinia, Squeana, Corovin and Nieech.

The Stockade

Level 22-32
AKA Stocks
Number of Players 5
Location Stormwind City
Key Restrictions None


Date Toon Duration Notes
3/12/2021 Treo 0:50 hrs Treo (23), Fomelhaut (28). Magikero (24), Deeplock (30), Ceriously (26). Treo, Deeplock and Magikero made levels. There was only one wipe.
3/12/2021 Treo 0:50 hrs Treo (24), Fomelhaut (28). Magikero (25), Deeplock (31), Ceriously (26). Fomelhaut, Ceriously, Deeplock and Magikero all made levels. And there were no wipes this time. However, Magikero did need to be res'd once.
3/15/2021 Treo 0:30 hrs Treo (25), Fomelhaut (29), Deeplock (31), Ceriously (28), Syona (28). Fomelhaut and Syona made levels. And there were no wipes. The run was uneventful.
3/15/2021 Treo 0:40 hrs Treo (25), Fomelhaut (30), Deeplock (31), Ceriously (28). Ceriously and Deeplock made levels. The run was uneventful.
3/15/2021 Treo 0:30 hrs Treo (25), Fomelhaut (30), Grayshank (31), Mighthealya (25). Treo made a level.

The Stonecore

Level Normal: 80
Heroic: 85
Number of Players 5
Location High in the Temple of Earth (Deepholm) and requires a flying mount to reach.
Key Restrictions None


Date Media Duration Notes
5/24/2024 0:26 hrs This normal run occurred on May 24, 2024. It included Umoar, Nairzhul, Brookelyn, Moondrae and Celorae. There was one wipe that occurred in The Chamber of Fanatics when the tank pulled too much and we got overwhelmed.
6/6/2024 None 0:31 hrs This heroic run occurred on 6/6/2024 and included Umoar, Lyshell, Adumbpally, Corovin and Greymourn.
6/10/2024 None 0:31 hrs This normal run occurred on 6/10/2024 and included Umoar, Kevfreeze, Adumbpally, Variance and Slysins.
6/11/2024 None 0:31 hrs This heroic run occurred on June 11, 2024 and included Umoar, Kelystinia, Squeana, Corovin and Nieech.


Level 48-58
Number of Players 5
Location Eastern Plaguelands
Key Restrictions If you do not have the key, you must go through the Live side.


Date Toon Duration Notes
3/9/2021 Floristine 2:30 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Kraggs (60), Naimarius (60). Live side. Good run. No wipes. Floristine found the 4th piece of armor for Lightforge set (boots).
4/20/2021 Floristine 1:10 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Naimarius (60), Gomster (60). Undead side. Good run with no deaths. Some good equipment, but no Tier 0 gear.
4/27/2021 Floristine 1:45 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Naimarius (60), Kyrim (59). Undead side. Could not get a tank, so Naimarius had to fill that duty. Had two wipes.
5/27/2021 Floristine 1:45 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Pentagon (58), Cruzon (60). Live side. There was only one wipe and Pentagon level'd to 59. Good solid run.

Tempest Keep - The Arcatraz

Number of Players 5
Key Restrictions


Date Media Duration Notes
7/30/2021 1:13 hrs This 7/30/2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Fomalhaut (70), Twisternikki (70). Great initial run into this dungeon. There were no wipes. The Warmaul of Infused Light dropped from Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates for Floristine.
8/12/2021 1:26 hrs This 8/12/2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Cruzon (70), Naimarius (70). There was one wipe when fighting an unbound devastator when a skulking witch jumped into the fight. The multiple stuns overwhelmed the party, causing all to die. After that, there were no issues. No significant gear dropped.
8/13/2021 1:43 hrs This 8/13/2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Cruzon (70), and Beergrande (70). Physically, there were no wipes. Logically, there was. During the fight with Dalliah the Doomslayer, everybody was killed except Floristine. Seeing she was the last one standing, she bolted for the zone entrance with Dalliah on her tail the whole way. Floristine zoned out and that ended the fight. So...logically, that was a wipe. There were no other issues and no significant drops.
9/2/2021 1:31 hrs This September 2, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Sharpklawz (70), and Cruzon (70). This run was performed to complete the normal daily dungeon quest. Both Sharpklawz and Ryuji died during a run in with a Skulking Witch and a Spiteful Temptress. Once again, Dalliah the Doomslayer proved to be a bit of a challenge as she wiped the entire party. There were no other issues or wipes. No significant drops.
9/7/2021 1:06 hrs This September 7, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Sharpklawz (70), and Kraggs (70). This run was performed to complete the normal daily dungeon quest. Before we got started, Kraggs had to remind Sharpklawz that the fishing pole that Sharpklawz had equipped would not work well as a weapon. The fight with Dalliah the Doomslayer and Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates went off without a problem. During the final battle, both Ryuji and Sharpklawz did not make it. The good news is there were no wipes.
9/14/2021 1:00 hrs This September 14, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Sharpklawz (70) and Saosinn (70). This run was performed to complete the normal daily dungeon quest. Our tank, Saosinn, set a fast-paced cadance as we moved through this dungeon. By the time we reached the Sargeron Archers, a Gargantuan Abyssal joined the fight, overwhelming us and causing us to wipe.
9/19/2021 1:04 hrs This September 19, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Sharpklawz (70), and Kraggs (70). This run was performed to complete the normal daily dungeon quest. There were not deaths, wipes and significant drops.
9/26/2021 1:09 hrs This September 26, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Sargitta (70), Imperius (70), Sharpklawz (70), and Kraggs (70). This run was performed to complete the normal daily dungeon quest. Sharpklawz died once when a fear spell caused us to pull more than expected. There were no other issues, deaths, wipes or significant drops. Good reputation run.
11/18/2021 1:45 hrs This heroic November 18, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), and Kraggs (70) and some PUGs.

Tempest Keep - The Botanica

Number of Players 5
Key Restrictions


Date Media Duration Notes
7/30/2021 1:06 hrs This July 30, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Twisternikki (70), Imperius (70), and Fomalhaut (70). Floristine died during an encounter with a Sunseeker Botanist when the pull went crazy. During an encounter with a Sunseeker Gene-splicer, the Death and Decay (aka Dr. Pepper) took out Floristine again. Imperius did not make it through the fight with Laj, but the rest of the group prevailed. After the fight with Laj, Fomalhaut noticed that Floristine was not wearing a helm. After reviewing the footage, Floristine was not wearing a helm during the entire run.
8/6/2021 1:37 hrs This August 6, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Beergrande (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), and Kraggs (70). There were a couple of wipes during this run. The first wipe occurred with a fight with Nethervine Reapers (just before Thorngrin the Tender). The second occurred with Thorngrin the Tender himself. There were no other issues (the fight with Laj went perfectly.) No significant gear dropped.
9/3/2021 1:54 hrs This heroic 9/3/2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Naimarius (70), and Fomalhaut (70). Naimarius was not immediately available to start because we started before the scheduled time, so the remaining four adventurers started the dungeon by clearing some of the initial trash. Naimarius was able to join the party shortly before we encountered the first boss, Commander Sarannis. When we attempted to take on Commander Sarannis, we experienced our first wipe. We had two more wipes during our encounter with Laj. We completed the run.
9/5/2021 2:02 hrs This September 5, 2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Sharpklawz (70), and Cruzon (70). This was Cruzon's first look at this particular dungeon. Sharpklawz was the first to fall with an encounter with Bloodfalcans. The encounter with High Botanist Freywinn did not go well on the first try. This marked our first wipe of the evening. But after reviewing the mechanics of the fight, we got him beat. Ryuji died a short time later during an encounter with a Sunseeker Geomancer. The second wipe occurred when flight with the Nethervine Reapers. The third wipe was caused by a Sunseeker's Gene-Splicer's Death and Decay (again). The encounter with Laj was executed perfectly. No other issues and some good gear dropped.
10/1/2021 1:33 hrs This heroic run occurred on October 1, 2021 and included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Naimarius (70), and Kraggs (70). It was to complete the daily heroic quest. A wipe occurred with the nethervine reapers. They were still buffed and they hit like a truck. Overall, a good solid run.
10/10/2021 1:38 hrs This run occurred on October 10, 2021 and included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Beergrande (70), and Kraggs (70).
4/1/2022 1:13 hrs This heroic run occurred on April 1, 2022 and included Floristine (70), Coopdaww (70), Naiwahren (70), Brookelyn (70), and Paquerat (70). It was mainly a badge and reputation run. There was an awesome fight where Floristine, Coopdaww and Paquerat all died. This left Brookelyn and Naiwahren alone to deal with one Nethervine Inciter and two Nethervine Reapers. Needless to say, they were able to complete the fight by themselves.
4/29/2022 1:02 hrs This normal run occurred on April 29, 2022 and included Floristine (70), Naiwahren (70), Mystira (70), Kosheen (70) and Selleck (70). It was mainly a badge and reputation run.

Tempest Keep - The Mechanar

Level 68 - 70
Number of Players 5
Location Netherstorm
Key Restrictions


Date Media Duration Notes
7/29/2021 0:56 hrs This 7/29/2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Naimarius (70), Fomalhaut (70). During the fight with Mechano-Lord Capacitus, Floristine was killed. There were no other deaths or issues. No significant gear dropped.
9/3/2021 0:50 hrs This heroic 9/3/2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Naimarius (70), and Kakoa (70). The party wiped two times against Nethermancer Sepethrea. There was the occasional deaths, but no other wipes. Good heroic run.
9/10/2021 1:07 hrs This heroic 9/10/2021 run included Floristine (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Naimarius (70), and Fomalhaut (70). Floristine died the first time during an early battle with a Tempest-Forge Patroller. And again, the fight with the Mechanar Tinkerers yielded another death for Floristine. The first wipe occurred during the latter part of the gauntlet. Floristine got her Helm of the Righteousness and Vanquisher's Legplates.
10/3/2021 0:52 hrs This 10/3/2021 run included Floristine (70), Sargitta (70), Imperius (70), Fomalhaut (70), and Sharpklawz (70). This run was performed to complete the normal dungeon quest of the day. Good solid run with no issues.
11/18/2021 0: hrs This November 18, 2021 run included Haneris (68), Kraggs (70), Chyron (70), Fomalhaut (70), and Sharpklawz (70).
3/29/2022 1:05 hrs This March 29, 2022 heroic run included Beergrande (70), Trilla (70), Naiwahren (70), Youu (70), and Coopdaww (70).
4/12/2022 0:16 hrs This normal run occurred on April 12, 2022 and included Floristine, Naiwahren, Coopdaww, Dealage and Olivia. This was the first run through this dungeon for the evening.
4/12/2022 0:17 hrs This normal run occurred on April 12, 2022 and included Floristine, Naiwahren, Coopdaww, Dealage and Olivia. This was the second run through this dungeon for the evening.
5/13/2022 1:00 hrs This heroic run occurred on May 13, 2022 and included Floristine, Mystira, Brookelyn, Naimarius and Kinraju. This run was performed to gather badges. No significant events or drops.

The Temple of Atal'Hakkar

Level 50-60
AKA The Sunken Temple
Number of Players 5
Location Swamp of Sorrows
Key Restrictions


Date Toon Duration Notes
11/4/2020 Floristine 4.5 hours Floristine (50), Beergrande (50), Mighthealyou (53), Faegin (52), Naimarius (52). First time using in-game chat. Did great until the final boss, The Shade of Eranikus. We wiped and it was decided we were unable to complete the zone. Good run.
11/19/2020 Floristine 2:00 hrs Floristine (54), Beergrande (54), Mighthealyou (55), Faegin (56), Wondra (60). Since the group, sans Wondra, needed to complete the two quests involving Eranikus, an attempt was made to short cut to Eranikus. We did not clear the Pit of Refuse Shrines and the Atal'ai Shrines were not cleared or clicked. We also did not clear the Atal'ai Defenders (i.e. Loro, Gasher, Mijan, et al.). We could not get to Jammal'an or Ogom because of a green shield. We did not see Weaver or Dreamscythe. We killed the two drakes, Hazzas and Morphaz, for Faegin's class-specific quest. The whole time, we could never attack Eranikus. We went back up and cleared and clicked the Atal'ai Shrines, but found that all encounters on that level had respawned. After two hours, we decided we could not finish the instance in a reasonable amount of time. We all did finish the quest Haze of Evil.
11/21/2020 Floristine 2:00 hrs Floristine (54), Beergrande (54), Mighthealyou (55), Faegin (56), Psychedelia (54). Beergrande and Floristine leveled to 55 and Faegin to 57. Great run with NO deaths. Finished last remaining quest.

Throne of the Tides

Level 80-83
Number of Players 5
Location The Abyssal Maw within The Abyssal Breach, Abyssal Depths
Key Restrictions  


Date Media Duration Notes
5/21/2024 0:15 hrs. This normal run occurred on May 21, 2024 and included Umoar with members of the Probably Going to Wipe guild, including Nieechs, Greymourn, Concealstrom and Squenna. First initial run two days after Cataclysm Classic launch. Good run with references to Lich King.
5/24/2024 0:25 hrs This normal run occurred on May 24, 2024 and included Umoar with members of the Probably Going to Wipe guild, including Greymourn, Squenna, Adumbpally and Pandorastar. Good run with the usual banter. This was the first of two runs in this dungeon for this evening.
5/24/2024 0:28 hrs This normal run occurred on May 24, 2024 and included Umoar with members of the Probably Going to Wipe guild, including Greymourn, Squenna, Adumbpally and Pandorastar. Good run with the usual banter. This was the second of two runs in this dungeon for this evening.
5/30/2024 None 0:31 hrs This heroic run occurred on May 30, 2024 and included Umoar, Greymourn, Squenna, Adumbpally and Sariell.
6/2/2024 None 0:17 hrs This normal run occurred on June 2, 2024 and included Umoar, Greymourn, Sagginkrad, Bluedruid and Liani.
6/10/2024 None 0:21 hrs This normal run occurred on June 10, 2024 and included Umoar, Aikamys, Adumbpally, Littlebama and Boahancok.

Trial of the Champion

Level 79 - 80
Number of Players 5
Location Icecrown
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
1/2/2024 0:13 hrs This heroic run occurred on January 2, 2024 and included Umoar, Zaraerii, Ables, Syleannex and Ashgard.


Level 42-52
Number of Players 5
Location Badlands
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
10/16/2020 None 3:30 hrs Beergrande, Floristine, Faegin, Mighthealyou, Erzascarlet. Good run with only one wipe. Had seven quests to turn in.
4/30/2021 None 3:30 hrs Quipan (43), Masarap (49), Fomalhaut (42), Sargitta (40), Roctavius (45). Quipan and Sargitta made a level during the run. Completed many quests and there were no wipes. The healer, Roctavius, did die once.

Utgarde Keep

Utgarde Keep is a Vrykul stronghold located in Wyrmskull Village at Daggercap Bay in Howling Fjord. It is the seat of the leader of the Vrykul Dragonflayer clan, King Ymiron, who has allied himself with the Lich King.

Level 70-72
Number of Players 5
Location Howling Fjord
Key Restrictions Normal: None
Heroic: Level 80 with no specific attunement or key requirements.


Date Media Duration Notes
10/4/2022 0:25 hrs This normal run occurred on October 4th, 2022 and included Haneris, Bloodlicious, Krenz, Jmax and Babis.
10/4/2022 None 0:25 hrs This normal run included Floristine (72), Mighthealyou, Krenz, Jace and Unholykills.
10/11/2022 0:30 hrs This normal run included Haneris (72), Bloodymurdrz, Starshooter, Enige and Stattick.
11/13/2022 0:28 hrs This normal run occurred on November 13, 2022 and included Haneris, Fubisone, Krenz, Mystira and Beergrande.
11/27/2022 0:57 hrs This normal run occurred on November 27, 2022 and included Aleome, Vordin, Cruzon, Mighthealyou and Irisisia.
1/27/2023 0:30 hrs This heroic run occurred on January 27, 2023 and included Floristine, Borelis, Exzodiac, Quel and Vhaerun.
12/24/2023 0:32 hrs This heroic run occurred on December 24, 2023 and included Umoar, Brathas, Mylen, Jalaco and Momms.
1/7/2024 None 0:30 hrs This Titan Rune Alpha run occurred on January 7, 2024 and included Umoar, Sagginkrad, Stanknuggets, Armlessjoe, and Syleannex.

Utgarde Pinnacle

Level 79 - 80
Number of Players 5
Location Howling Fjord
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
1/27/2023 0:35 hrs This heroic run occurred on January 27, 2023 and included Floristine, Borelis, Exzodiac, Quel and Vhaerun.
1/28/2023 0:29 hrs This normal run occurred on January 28, 2023 and included Haneris, Cruzon, Mystira, Pillytank and Dora.
2/26/2023 None 0:44 hrs This heroic run occurred on 2/26/2023 and included Haneris, Krenz, Cruzon, Stattick, and Kyokuryuu.
2/26/2023 None 0:23 hrs This heroic run occurred on 2/26/2023 and included Aleome, Lunta, Oldmatty, Mern and Hajz.
12/27/2023 None 0:20 hrs This heroic run occurred on 12/27/2023 and included Umoar, Varthstank, Dragoboom, Sagginkrad and Oldmanrvr.

Upper Blackrock Spire

Number of Players 10 (2 groups of 5 players)
Location Blackrock Mountain
Key Restrictions A member of the team must have the Seal of Ascension, a key that can be acquired from Lower Blackrock Spire.


Date Toon Duration Notes
3/23/2021 Floristine 1:00 hrs Floristine (60), Beergrande (60), Mighthealyou (60), Kraggs (60), Naimarius (60), Saguaro (60), Loralei (60), Lilwhacker (60), Pauldrake (60), Krippt (60). Good run with no deaths or wipes.
4/24/2021 1:00 hrs Finished quests that were not completed the last time.

The Violet Hold

Level 75-77
Number of Players 5
Location Dalaran
Key Restrictions Normal: None
Heroic: Level 80 with no specific attunement or key requirements.


Date Media Duration Notes
11/8/2022 0:21 hrs This normal run occurred on November 8th, 2022 and included Haneris, Stattick, Krenz, Dontari and Rynnix. It was the first of three runs that occurred on this evening.
11/8/2022 0:20 hrs This normal run occurred on November 8th, 2022 and included Haneris, Stattick, Krenz, Dontari and Rynnix. It was the second of three runs that occurred on this evening.
11/8/2022 0:19 hrs This normal run occurred on November 8th, 2022 and included Haneris, Stattick, Krenz, Dontari and Rynnix. It was the third of three runs that occurred on this evening.
11/29/2022 0:19 hrs This heroic run occurred on November 29th, 2022 and included Haneris, Krenz, Dontari, Kosmiczny and Telsia.
2/24/2023 No media 0:48 hrs This heroic+ run occurred on February 24th, 2023 and included Florenz, Cosmica, Jaminulus, Saggie and Yngwie.
12/27/2023 No media 0:17 hrs This heroic run occurred on December 27th, 2023 and Umoar, Varthstank, Dragoboom, Sagginkrad, and Oldmanrvr.
12/30/2023 No media 0:18 hrs This heroic run occurred on December 30th, 2023 and Umoar, Nottz, Badgerblasta, Shammyblammy, and Oldmanrvr.
1/5/2024 No media 0:30 hrs This Titan Rune Beta run occurred on January 5, 2024 and included Umoar, Ashgard, Potak, Sagginkrad and Syleannex.
1/11/2024 No media 0:28 hrs This Titan Rune Gamma run occurred on January 11, 2024 and included Umoar, Ables, Sadieanne, Sagginkrad and Madlife.

The Vortex Pinnacle

Level Normal: 80
Heroic: 85
Number of Players 5
Location Uldum
Key Restrictions No keys required.


Date Media Duration Notes
5/30/2024   0:50 hrs This heroic run occurred on 5/30/2024. It included Umoar, Adumbpally, Barbedbash, Greymourn and Squeana. This was a challenging run as Barbedbash left in the middle of the run and was replaced by Globrif. Adumbpally took a tumble.
6/5/2024   0:59 hrs This heroic run occurred on 6/5/2024. It included Umoar, Adumbpally, Greymourn, Squeana and Vongrowl. Vongrowl took a tumble.
6/9/2024   0:16 hrs This heroic run occurred on 6/9/2024. It included Umoar, Chaetzuwu, Sagginkrad, Bluedruid and Neckrofeelia.
6/11/2024 None 0:36 hrs This heroic run occurred on June 11, 2024 and included Umoar, Greymourn, Squeana, Corovin and Sagginkrad.

Wailing Caverns

Level 17 - 27
Number of Players 5
Location The Barrens
Key Restrictions None


Date Toon Duration Notes
7/18/2021 1:30 hrs Floristine and Balot.

Well of Eternity


Level 85
Quick Facts
  • Takes place in the Well of Eternity.
  • There are three boss encounters.
  • Only available as a Heroic dungeon.
  • All available loot is item level 378.
  • Player characters will appear as Night Elves for the dungeon.
  • Contains the first non-Naga appearance of Queen Azshara.
Number of Players 5
Location Caverns of Time
Key Restrictions None


Date Media Duration Notes
2/23/2025 0:21 hrs This heroic run occurred on February 23, 2025 and included Umoar, Greymourn, Eriellwynta, Squeana and Vongrowl.


Level 85 Heroic Only
Number of Players 5
Location Northern Stranglethorn
Key Restrictions No key restrictions. Make sure someone in the party has the Mallet of Zul'Farrak to ring the gong.


Date Toon Duration Notes
8/5/2024 0:45 hrs This heroic run occurred on August 5th, 2024. It include four guild members from Probably Going to Wipe. There were some deaths along the way. But the dungeon was completed.


Level 44-54
Number of Players 5
Location Tanaris
Key Restrictions No key restrictions. Make sure someone in the party has the Mallet of Zul'Farrak to ring the gong.


Date Toon Duration Notes
10/29/2020 Floristine 3:00 hrs Floristine, Mighthealyou, Beergrande, Faegin and Crusaderdawn. Beergrande leveled to 49 during dungeon. One wipe by Witch Doctor Zum'rah. Beergrande got Nightblade. Completed seven quests.


Level 85 Heroic Only
Number of Players 5
Location Northern Stranglethorn
Key Restrictions No key restrictions. Make sure someone in the party has the Mallet of Zul'Farrak to ring the gong.


Date Toon Duration Notes
7/30/2024 0:43 hrs First run threw this dungeon as it was made available on 7/30/2024. This heroic run occurred on 7/30/2024 and included members of the Probably Going to Wipe guild.
8/1/2024 0:34 hrs This heroic run occurred on 8/1/2024. It included members of the Probably Going to Wipe guild. Umoar got his bear mount.


Wowhead Classic Raids

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 



Ahn'Qiraj (pronounced "AWN-key-rawj"), or the qiraji empire, is the city-kingdom of the qiraji found in the southern part of Silithus. It was originally a titan research station which housed the old god C'Thun before being commandeered by the aqir, who would become the qiraji led by the Twin Emperors: Vek'nilash and Vek'lor. Following the War of the Shifting Sands, the kingdom was contained from the rest of the world by the Scarab Wall, until it was opened again recently.

Level 60
Number of Players 40
Location Silithus
Key Restrictions Requires the opening of the Gates of Ahn'qiraj.
Availability World of Warcraft Classic Phase 5 (Available on 7/28/2020)


Date Toon Duration Notes

Baradin Hold

Level 85
Number of Players 10/25
Location Tol Barad
Attunement None
Loot ilvl Argaloth: 359
Availability Staggered Release
Argaloth: Cataclysm Classic Phase 1 (Available on June 4, 2024)
Occu'thar: Cataclysm Classic Phase 3 (Available on November 11, 2024)


Date Media Duration Notes
6/13/2024 None 1:00 hours This run occurred on June 13, 2024 and was hosted by Walk the Plank. Members from Probably Going to Wipe filled out the ranks. This run represents a successful run through the raid. The only boss active at this time was Argaloth.
6/20/2024 Video 0:40 hours This run occurred on June 20, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. Members from Walk the Plank filled out the ranks. This run represents a successful run through the raid. The only boss active at this time was Argaloth.
6/27/2024 0:14 hours This run occurred on June 27, 2024 and was hosted by Walk the Plank. Members from Probably Going to Wipe filled out the ranks. This run represents a successful run through the raid. The only boss active at this time was Argaloth.
7/10/2024 0:13 hours This 25-man run occurred on July 10, 2024 and was hosted by Walk the Plank. Members from Probably Going to Wipe filled out the ranks. This run represents a successful run through the raid. The only boss active at this time was Argaloth.
7/17/2024 0:12 hours This 25-man run occurred on July 17, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. Members from Walk the Plank filled out the ranks. This run represents a successful run through the raid. The only boss active at this time was Argaloth.
8/7/2024 0:09 hours This 25-man run occurred on August 7, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. Members from Walk the Plank filled out the ranks. This run represents a successful run through the raid. The only boss active at this time was Argaloth.
9/27/2024   0:37 hours This 10-man run occurred on September 27, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. This was a successful run.
11/14/2024   0:19 hours This 10-man run occurred on November 14, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. The second boss, Occu'thar, was recently release and this was our first attempt. After wiping two times, we were triumphant.
11/21/2024   0:13 hours This 10-man run occurred on November 21, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. After wiping only one time, we were able to kill Occu'thar.

The Bastion of Twilight

Level 85
Number of Players 10/25
Location Twilight Highlands
Attunement None
Loot ilvl Normal: 359
Heroic: 372
Availability Cataclysm Classic Phase 1 (Available on May 30, 2024)


Date Media Duration Notes
6/19/2024   2:45 hours This run occurred on June 19, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. Members from Walk the Plank filled out the ranks. This run represents a successful run through the raid.
6/29/2024   1:51 hours This 10-man run occurred on June 29, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. This run represents a successful run through the raid.
7/3/2024   3:00 hours This run occurred on July 3, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. Members from Walk the Plank filled out the ranks. We were unable to complete this run.
7/12/2024   3:00 hours This 10-man run occurred on July 12, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. Members from Walk the Plank filled out the ranks. We were unable to complete this run.
7/17/2024   1:45 hours This 25-man run occurred on July 17, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. Members from Walk the Plank filled out the ranks. This run represents a successful run through the raid.
8/3/2024   1:08 hours This 10-man run occurred on August 3, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. Members from Walk the Plank filled out the ranks. This run represents a successful run through the raid.
8/7/2024   1:51 hours This 25-man run occurred on August 7th, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. Members from Walk the Plank filled out the ranks. A couple of attempts were made to take on a heroic boss. However, the mechanics quickly overwhelmed us and we completed the dungeon in non-heroic mode. We did complete the run.
9/18/2024   2:45 hours This 10-man run occurred on September 18th, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. There were a lot of new guild members and alts that wanted to try the run. There were some challenges, but the group prevailed. The raid was successfully completed.
10/2/2024   2:00 hours This 10-man run occurred on October 2nd, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. On the run, we welcomed back Greymourn as the raid leader and tank. The raid was successfully completed.
10/11/2024   1:00 hours This 10-man run occurred on October 11th, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. The raid was successfully completed.

Black Temple

Information The Black Temple is the fortress-citadel of Illidan Stormrage, Lord of Outland. It is located in Shadowmoon Valley.
Level 70/70
Number of Players 25
Location Shadowmoon Valley
Attunement Attunement Guide
  1. Complete the Tablets of Baa'ri (Aldor / Scryers) quest line which is a fairly lengthly questline in Shadowmoon Valley which also requires you to find an NPC in Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz.
  2. Venture into Serpentshrine Cavern and speak to Seer Olum who is located in Fathom-Lord Karathress's room and accept The Secret Compromised. You must kill Fathom-Lord Karathress for him to come out.
  3. Return to Akama in Shadowmoon Valley.
  4. Complete Ruse of the Ashtongue by killing Al'ar in Tempest Keep: The Eye.
  5. Complete optional attunement for Hyjal Summit: The Vials of Eternity. This requires players to loot vials from the end bosses in Tier 5 content: Lady Vashj and Kael'thas Sunstrider.
  6. Enter Hyjal Summit and kill Rage Winterchill and loot Time-Phased Phylactery for An Artifact From the Past.
  7. Turn in the linking quests to A'dal in Shattrath City and then to Xi'ri outside the Black Temple.
  8. Xi'ri will give you A Distraction for Akama which rewards you with Medallion of Karabor.
Availability The Burning Crusade Classic Phase 3 (Available on 1/27/2022)


Date Toon Duration Notes
10/17/2024 Umoar 1:00 This run occurred on October 17th, 2024, during the Cataclysm Classic expansion. This was done to pick up items for transmogs and to gain any achievements. The raid was set for 25-man and only eight of us went in.

Blackwing Descent

Level 85
Number of Players 10/25
Location Blackrock Mountain
Attunement None
Loot Normal: 359
Heroic: 372
Availability Cataclysm Classic Phase 1 (Available on May 30, 2024)


Date Media Duration Notes
5/31/2024 2:52 hours This run occurred on May 31, 2024. It was made up of players from Probabaly Going to Wipe. Cata Classic raids were released on 5/30/2024 and this was our first attempt. First two bosses dispatched.
6/7/2024 2:00 hours This run occurred on June 7, 2024. It was made up of players from Probabaly Going to Wipe. We were able to complete Magmaw, Omnotron Defense System, and Maloriak before running out of time.
6/12-13/2024 2:00 hours This run occurred on June 12 and 13, 2024. It was hosted by Walk the Plank and included players from Probabaly Going to Wipe. Everything was going smoothly until we reached the final encounter, Nefarian. A total 15 attempts were made until time ran out. We were unable to complete the raid.
6/26-27/2024 3:00 hours This run occurred on June 26 and June 27, 2024 and was hosted by Walk the Plank. Members from Probably Going to Wipe filled out the ranks. This was the first time Umoar was able to complete this raid.
7/5/2024 3:00 hours This 10-man run occurred on July 5, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. We were unable to complete this run due to losing a player through a disconnection.
7/10/2024 2:00 hours This 25-man run occurred on July 3, 2024 and was hosted by Walk the Plank. Members from Probably Going to Wipe filled out the ranks. This run was a success and was completed in one evening.
7/18/2024   1:50 hours This 25-man run occurred on July 18, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. Members from Walk the Plank filled out the ranks. We were unable to complete the raid as we ran out of time.
8/8/2024   2:06 hours This 25-man run occurred on August 8, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. Members from Walk the Plank filled out the ranks. This run was a success and was completed in one evening.
9/25/2024   3:00 hours This 10-man run occurred on September 25, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. The time ran out before the run could be completed.
10/4-10/5/2024   6:30 hours This 10-man run started on October 4, 2024 (3 hours) and was completed on October 5, 2024 (3.5 hours). One of the goals of this run was to acquire some achievements, including Defender of a Shattered World for guild member Kelvarlaic. This goal was attained.
10/9/2024   3:00 hours This 10-man run occurred on October 9, 2024. and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. The time ran out before the run could be completed.
10/18/2024   3:00 hours This 10-man run occurred on October 9, 2024. and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. The time ran out before the run could be completed.

Blackwing Lair

Information It is in the dark recesses of the mountain's peak that Nefarian has begun to unfold the final stages of his plan to destroy Ragnaros once and for all and lead his army to undisputed supremacy over all the races of Azeroth. To this end, he has recently begun efforts to bolster his forces, much as his father Deathwing had attempted to do in ages past.
Level 60
Number of Players 40
Location Blackrock Spire
Attunement Not required to enter. However, having completed the quest Blackhand's Command eases the entry to the raid, allowing characters to teleport in and not having to go through Blackrock Spire.
After completing the quest Blackhand's Command, you can quickly zone into Blackwing Lair by running down that same hallway in which you killed Scarshield Quartermaster, right of the entrance to Blackrock Spire. At the end of the hallway, you'll see the Orb of Command. Touch the Orb of Command to quickly zone into Blackwing Lair.
/script print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(7761))
Availability World of Warcraft Classic Phase 3 (Available on 2/12/2020)


Date Toon Duration Notes

Dragon Soul

Level 85
Number of Players 10/25
Location Taneris
Attunement None
Loot ilvl LFR: 384 - 390
Normal: 397 - 403
Heroic: 410 - 416
Availability Cataclysm Classic Phase 4 (Available on February 20, 2025)


Date Media Duration Notes
2/20/2025 None 0:00 hours This 10-man run occurred on February 20, 2025. It was comprised of Raid Team 1 of Probably Going to Wipe. Seeing how this was our first run, we did pretty good. We were able to get Morchok and Yor'sahj the Unsleeping down, but were met with issues with Warlord Zon'ozz.

The Eye of Eternity

Information The Nexus, a dungeon hub, is an ancient ice fortress found in the center of Coldarra. It is a column of magical energy surrounded by levitating earth-covered rings with ice caves underneath. The Nexus is an extensive series of caves and tunnels that riddles Coldarra, containing wings leading to two dungeons and one raid.
Level 80
Number of Players 10/25
Location Borean Tundra.
Attunement None
Availability Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 1


Date Media Duration Notes
3/2/2023   13:15 hrs The 10-man run occurred on March 1 - 2, 2023 and was hosted by the Fire Lotus Guild on the Old Blanchy server. It included both Aleome and Stattick.


Level 85
Number of Players 10/25
Location Mount Hyjal
Attunement None
Loot ilvl Normal: 378 - 384
Heroic: 391 - 397
Availability Cataclysm Classic Phase 3 (Available on November 7, 2024)


Date Media Duration Notes
11/7/2024 None 3:00 hours This was Probably Going to Wipe's first attempt at trying this new raid. This run occurred on November 7, 2024 and was a 25-man run. We killed lots of trash and made quite a bit of reputation, but no bosses fell.
11/8/2024 None 3:00 hours This run occurred on November 8, 2024 and was a 10-man run with players from Probably Going to Wipe. No bosses fell.
11/13-14/2024 None 5:30 hours This run occurred on November 13 and 14, 2024 and was a 10-man run with players from Probably Going to Wipe. We were able to get Beth'tilac and Shannox down. But Lord Rhyolith kept us from continuing.
11/20-21/2024 None 5:30 hours This run occurred on November 20 and 21, 2024 and was a 10-man run with players from Probably Going to Wipe. We were able to kill Beth'tilac, Shannox and Lord Rhyolith. But we had to stop after several attempts on Alysrazor. We are improving.
11/27/2024 None 3:00 hours This run occurred on November 27, 2024 and was a 10-man run with players from Probably Going to Wipe. We got all the way to Alysrazor. Did not continue on a follow up night because of Thanksgiving (US).
12/4-5/2024 None 6:00 hours This run occurred on December 4th and 5th, 2024 and was a 10-man run with players from Probably Going to Wipe. We got all the way to Alysrazor and Baleroc.
1/2/2025 None 3:00 hours This run occurred on January 2, 2025 and was a 10-man run with players from Probably Going to Wipe. We made good progress taking down Beth'tilac, Lord Rhyolith, Shannox, and Alysrazor (finally).
1/8-9/2025 None 6:00 hours This run occurred on January 8th and 9th, 2025 and was a 10-man run with players from Probably Going to Wipe. We made great progress taking down Beth'tilac, Lord Rhyolith, Shannox, Alysrazor, Baleroc, Majordomo Staghelm. We got to Ragnaros, but were unable to get him done.
1/15-16/2025 None 6:00 hours This run occurred on January 15th and 16th, 2025 and was a 10-man run with players from Probably Going to Wipe. We made great progress taking down Beth'tilac, Lord Rhyolith, Shannox, Alysrazor, Baleroc, Majordomo Staghelm. We got to Ragnaros, but were unable to get him done.
1/22/2025 None 3:00 hours This run occurred on January 22nd, 2025 and was a 10-man run with players from Probably Going to Wipe. All boses sans Ragnaros, were One Shot'd.
1/29/2025 None 3:00 hours This run occurred on January 29th, 2025. We attempted to open this run up for more players, including some PUGs. This turned into a 25-man run. However, the mechanics changed from 10 man to 25 man and we were not prepared for the changes. We were unable to get any bosses down.
2/5/2025 None 6:00 hours This run occurred on February 5th and 6th, 2025 and was a 10-man run with players from Probably Going to Wipe. The first six bosses went down no issue (five of them were one-shots). However, Ragnaros refuses to go down.
2/12-14/2025 None 6:00 hours This run occurred on February 12th and 13th, 2025 and was a 10-man run with players from Probably Going to Wipe. Again, Ragnaros refuses to go down.
2/19/2025 None 3:00 hours This run occurred on February 19th, 2025 and was a 10-man run with players from Probably Going to Wipe. Again, Ragnaros refuses to go down.

Gruul's Lair

Information Gruul's Lair is home to Gruul the Dragonkiller, the gronn overlord who rules over the ogres of Blade's Edge Mountains.
Level 70
AKA Gruul
Number of Players 25
Location Blade's Edge Mountains
Attunement None
Availability The Burning Crusade Phase 1


Date Media Duration Notes
4/5/2022 0:22 hrs. A Dark Moon Nova guild run.

Icecrown Citadel

Information The Icecrown Citadel is located on the southern border of Icecrown.
Level 80
Number of Players 10/25
Location Icecrown
Attunement None
Availability Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 4 (Raid available on October 12, 2023).


Date Media Duration Notes
1/21/2024 None 2:00 hours Umoar pugged into a 25 man run already in progress. Assisted with the fights involving Festergut and Rotface.
1/23/2024 None 1:45 hours This 25-man run occurred on January 23, 2024. It represented the first planned run of this raid for the relatively new guild 'Probably Going to Wipe.' Originally, this raid was scheduled to be a 10-man run. With the large number of people showing up in the guild, it was decided to convert the run into a 25-man run. The missing ranks were filled by PUGs. This run did not go very far when one of the PUGs, Kickable, pulled when the raid had not completed preparations. This resulted in a wipe. In a subsequent attempt, another PUG, Nerra, pulled when the raid had not completed preparations. It was decided at that point to halt the raid as other PUGs opted to leave the raid.
1/30/2024 None 3:20 hours This 10-man run occurred on January 30, 2024. It was made up of members from the Probably Going to Wipe guild, including Umoar. No PUGs were utilized. The first complete wipe occurred with Deathbringer Saurfang, the fourth boss in the run. Real issues occurred with Rotface. We were unable to take him, err it, down. After several attempts, we moved forward to Valithria Dreamwalker. A few attempts occurred here but with no success. After running the raid for over three hours, we decided we had enough.
2/6/2024 None 3:00 hours This 10-man run occurred on February 6, 2024. It was made up of members from the Probably Going to Wipe guild, including Umoar. No PUGs were utilized. We got much further than the previous week. We skipped Blood Price Council and Blood-Queen Lana'thel. We eventually met our match at the dragon Sindragosa when our time expired. Great run and chill group!
2/13/2024 None 3:00 hours This 10-man run occurred on February 13, 2024. It was made up of members from the Probably Going to Wipe guild, including Umoar. No PUGs were utilized.
2/20/2024 None 3:00 hours This 10-man run occurred on February 20, 2024. It was made up of members from the Probably Going to Wipe guild, including Umoar. No PUGs were utilized. Still stuck on the Sindragosa fight.
2/27/2024 None 3:00 hours This 10-man run occurred on February 27, 2024. It was made up of members from the Probably Going to Wipe guild, including Umoar. No PUGs were utilized.
3/27-3/28/2024 None 6:00 hours This 25-man run occurred on March 27-28, 2024. It was hosted by Pirates for Eternity and included players from Probably Going to Wipe. We made to the Lich King, but sadly, we were unable to finish.
4/2-4/3/2024 None 5:00 hours This 25-man run occurred on April 2-3, 2024. It was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe and included players from Pirates for Eternity. We made to the Lich King and were successful in bringing him down after ten attempts. We finally finished it.
4/16-4/17/2024 None 5:00 hours This 25-man run occurred on April 16-17, 2024. It was hosted by Wonderland (formally known as Probably Going to Wipe) and included players from Pirates for Eternity. We made to the Lich King and were successful in bringing him down again.
5/8-5/9/2024 None 6:00 hours This 25-man run occurred on May 8-9, 2024. It was hosted by Walk the Plank and included players from Probably Going to Wipe. We made to the Lich King and were successful in bringing him down again.
5/14-5/15/2024 None 4:00 hours This 25-man run occurred on May 14 - 15, 2024. It was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe and included players from Walking the Plank. We made to the Lich King and were successful in bringing him down again.


Information Karazhan is an abandoned ancient tower located in Deadwind Pass. Karazhan is notable for its famous occupant, the last Guardian of Tirisfal, Medivh. You can use Medivh's staff, Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian, to teleport players to the front gate of Karazhan.
Level 70
AKA Kara
Number of Players 10
Location Deadwind Pass
  • Complete the two quests from Archmage Alturus outside of Karazhan: Arcane Disturbances and Restless Activity.
  • Travel to the Dalaran Crater for Contact from Dalaran, and then to Shattrath for Khadgar.
  • Retrieve the three key fragments from Burning Crusade instances:
    • Entry Into Karazhan: First Fragment in Shadow Labs, by Murmur.
    • The Second and Third Fragments: Second Fragment is underwater in The Steamvault, Third Fragment is after Zereketh the Unbound in The Arcatraz.
  • Repair and bind the key in The Black Morass: The Master's Touch.
  • Head back to Shattrath after ( Return to Khadgar). At this point in the past, Khadgar gave players the key to Karazhan. Now, it simply unlocks further quest chains that eventually reward players with epic rings and trinkets.
Availability The Burning Crusade Classic Phase 1 (Available on 6/1/2021)


Date Media Duration Notes
12/5/2021 None 4:30 hrs.  

Magtheridon's Lair

Information Hellfire Citadel is the headquarters of the Fel Orcs of Outland; Magtheridon's Lair is a raid wing of the Hellfire Citadel dungeon in Hellfire Peninsula.
Level 70
AKA Mags
Number of Players 25
Location Hellfire Peninsula
Attunement None
Availability The Burning Crusade Phase 1


Date Media Duration Notes
4/5/2022 0:17 hrs. A Dark Moon Nova guild run.

Molten Core

Information The Molten Core is located beyond Blackrock Depths in the deepest part of Blackrock Mountain. It is the home of Ragnaros the Firelord--one of the four elemental lieutenants of the Old Gods--and his elemental minions.
Level 60
Number of Players 40
Location Blackrock Mountain
Attunement Attunement Link
Availability World of Warcraft Classic Phase 1 (Available on 8/26/2019)


Date Toon Duration Notes
4/10/2021 2:33 hrs. Floristine did not pick anything up. Died five times. Good first attempt.
4/17/2021 None 1:55 hrs. Floristine picked up Lawbringer Gauntlets and Lawbringer Bracers.
4/24/2021 None 1:58 hrs. Floristine picked up Lawbringer Spaulders.
5/8/2021 1:58 hrs. Floristine did die three times. But it was worth it cause she picked up Lawbringer Chestguard.

Naxxramas (Classic)

Information Naxxramas is a giant necropolis floating over Stratholme in Eastern Plaguelands. It has the honor to serve as the seat of one of the Lich King's most powerful officers, the dreaded lich Kel'Thuzad.
Level 60
AKA Naxx
Number of Players 40
Location Eastern Plaguelands
Attunement Attunement Link
Availability World of Warcraft Classic Phase 1


Date Media Duration Notes

Naxxramas (WotLK)


Naxxramas, the seat of one of the Lich King's most powerful officers, the dreaded lich, Kel'Thuzad, is a floating necropolis that was moved from it's position in Stratholme, Eastern Plaguelands, when the battlefronts moved to Northrend. Naxxramas is now a malevolent blight in the sky above Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight.

Naxxramas is located in eastern Dragonblight. The raid floats above the Wintergarde Keep battlefield and is accessed by flying up underneath it and entering through one of the openings to the central lobby area. The nearest flight points are Wintergarde Keep for Alliance and Venomspite for Horde, however you will need to be able to fly to reach the raid entrance unless you are summoned. The summoning stone is just inside the necropolis.

Level 80
AKA Naxx
Number of Players 10/25
Location Dragonblight
Attunement None
Availability Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 1


Date Media Duration Notes
3/1/2023 5:00:00 hrs This 10-man run occurred on March 1 - 2, 2023 and was hosted by the Fire Lotus Guild on the Old Blanchy server. It included both Aleome and Stattick.
3/8/2023 5:00:00 hrs This 10-man run occurred on March 8, 2023 and was hosted by the Fire Lotus Guild on the Old Blanchy server. It included Aleome.
1/9/2024 3:30:00 hrs This 10-man run occurred on January 9, 2024 and was hosted by the Probably Going To Wipe Guild on the Old Blanchy server. It included Umoar.

The Obsidian Sanctum

Information The Obsidian Sanctum, a part of the Chamber of Aspects, is a secret chamber where members of the Black Dragonflight would convene whenever they wished to meet. The portal to this instance is located underneath the Wyrmrest Temple, in Dragonblight.
Level 80
Number of Players 10/25
Location Dragonblight
Attunement None
Availability Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 4 (Raid available on October 12, 2023).


Date Media Duration Notes
4/17/2024 None 1:00 hours This 25-man run occurred on April 17, 2024. It was hosted by Wonderland (formally known as Probably Going to Wipe) and included players from Pirates for Eternity. We had just completed Icecrown Citadel and still had an hour left in our scheduled run. We decided to make a quick run through this raid. We completed it.
5/15/2024 None 0:15 hours This 25-man run occurred on May 15, 2024. It was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe and included players from Walk the Plank. We had just completed Icecrown Citadel and still had an hour left in our scheduled run. We decided to make a quick run through this raid. We completed it.

Onyxia's Lair

Information Onyxia's Lair is a small cave system located in the southern parts of Dustwallow Marsh. It is home to Onyxia and her guards, the remaining members of the insidious Black Dragonflight. There also her brood of new eggs is hidden, awaiting maturation. Should anyone ever threaten Onyxia within her lair - within distance of her precious eggs - her wrath would be terrible beyond comprehension.
Level 60
Number of Players 40
Location Dustwallow Marsh
Attunement Attunement Link
Availability World of Warcraft Classic Phase 1 (Available on 8/26/2019)


Date Media Duration Notes
5/9/2021 0:15 hrs. First time in for Beergrande and Floristine. Did not get anything, but thankful to finally make it in. Thanks Naimarius.
5/14/2021 0:12 hrs. This was just Floristine hanging out with the folks at Night Raiders.

Onyxia's Lair (WotLK)

Level 80
Number of Players 40
Location Dustwallow Marsh


Date Toon Duration Notes

The Ruby Sanctum

Information The Ruby Sanctum, a part of the Chamber of Aspects, is a secret meeting place for members of the Red Dragonflight. The portal to this instance is located underneath the Wyrmrest Temple, in Dragonblight. The Ruby Sanctum is an extension to the Wyrmrest Temple dragonflight Sanctum raids. Sacred grounds of the red dragons, the Ruby Sanctum was invaded by the Twilight dragonflight.
Level 80
Number of Players 10/25
Location Dragonblight
Attunement None
Availability Raid available on January 11, 2024.


Date Media Duration Notes

Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj

Information The Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj is located in southern Silithus.
Level 60
Number of Players 20
Location Silithus
Attunement None
Availability World of Warcraft Classic Phase 5 (Available on 7/28/2020)


Date Toon Duration Notes
5/22/2021 1:45 hrs. First run through. Did not get anything. But did get two deaths.

Serpentshrine Cavern


Level 70
Number of Players 25


Date Media Duration Notes
4/29/2022 2:48 hrs. First run through.

Tempest Keep


Level 70
Number of Players 25
Location Netherstorm


Date Media Duration Notes
5/5/2022 No media 3:00 hrs. First run through. Hosted by Rocinante. No bosses killed and got about 10 deaths.

Throne of the Four Winds

Level 85
Number of Players 10/25
Location Uldum
Attunement None
Availability Cataclysm Classic Phase 1 (Available on May 30, 2024)


Date Media Duration Notes
6/20/2024 1:52 hours This run occurred on June 20, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. Members from Walk the Plank filled out the ranks. This run represents a successful run through the raid.
6/27/2024 0:39 hours This run occurred on June 27, 2024 and was hosted by Walk the Plank. Members from Probably Going to Wipe filled out the ranks. This run represents a successful run through the raid.
7/18/2024   0:39 hours This 25-man run occurred on July 18, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. Members from Walk the Plank filled out the ranks. This run represents a successful run through the raid.
8/8/2024   0:27 hours This 25-man run occurred on August 8, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. Members from Walk the Plank filled out the ranks. This run represents a successful run through the raid.
9/27/2024   1:35 hours This 25-man run occurred on September 27, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. We were unable to complete this run.
10/11/2024   1:00 hours This 10-man run occurred on October 117, 2024 and was hosted by Probably Going to Wipe. We were able to complete this run.

Trial of the Crusader

Information Trial of the Crusader is located in the Argent Tournament Grounds, in north-east corner of Icecrown. The entrance portal is located on the east side of the Argent Coliseum.
Level 80
Number of Players 10/25
Location Icecrown
Attunement None
Availability Wrath of the Lich King Phase 3


Date Toon Duration Notes
1/6/2024 No media 2:22 hrs This 10-man run occurred on January 6, 2024 and was mostly made up by personnel from the Probably Going to Wipe guild.


Information Ulduar is a vast Titan complex located in the northernmost sector of The Storm Peaks. This complex includes the Halls of Lightning and Halls of Stone dungeons, and the Ulduar raid, the prison of an unspeakable evil, the Old God, Yogg-Saron. This guide to the Ulduar raid includes a raid overview, quick facts, the entrance location, quests, and links to more detailed guides including boss strategies, loot, and achievements.
Level 80
Number of Players 10/25
Attunement None
Availability Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 2 (1/19/2023)


Date Media Duration Notes
3/9/2023 None 3:00:00 hrs Another Fire Lotus run with Aleome.
3/15/2023 None 6:00:00 hrs Another Fire Lotus run with Aleome.
3/22/2023 None 6:00:00 hrs Another Fire Lotus run with Aleome.
3/29/2023 None 5:00:00 hrs Another Fire Lotus run with Aleome.
4/5/2023 None 5:00:00 hrs Another Fire Lotus run with Aleome.
4/12/2023 None 5:00:00 hrs Another Fire Lotus run with Aleome.
1/16/2024 Video 5:15:00 hrs A successful run with Probably Going to Wipe. This included Umoar, Ashgard, Chanson, Sadieanne, Syleannex Ables, Kalyaah, Kelystinia, Venly, and Zaralynne.

Vault of Archavon

Information Vault of Archavon is a raid instance located within Wintergrasp's fortress. It is accessible to the winning faction that claims victory over Wintergrasp. Players who wish to enter this instance may also use the portal activated in Dalaran, though it will only be available to players of the winning faction.
Level 80
Number of Players 10/25
Location Wintergrasp
Availability Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 1, 2, 3, and 4. Note that bosses for this raid are added over the course of the expansion. Phase 1, only Archavon the Stone Watcher will be encounterable. Phase 2, Emalon the Storm Watcher, was added. After Phase 3 launches, then Koralon the Flame Watcher will be available. Lastly, in Phase 4 Toravon the Ice Watcher will be available. Each bosses drops loot in accordance with the stage of the expansion it is added at.


Date Media Duration Notes
1/22/2024   0:49 hrs.  This normal, ten-man run occurred on January 22, 2024. It included people from the guild 'Probably Going to Wipe' as well as other PUGs. All four of the bosses were encounterable and dispatched.


Level 70
Number of Players 10
  • Ghostlands
  • Attunement None


    Date Toon Duration Notes
    3/31/2022 Floristine This March 31, 2022 run included Naimarius (70), Zalamos (70), Floristine (70), Trilla (70), Drupie (70), Ryuji (70), Imperius (70), Ashivya (70), Coopdaww (70), Kootabang (70). On this run, the group was able to dispatch the first three bosses before the timer ran out. This meant extra loot for the team. The fourth boss, Halazzi, proved to be no match for the group. However, Hex Lord Malacrass turned out to be very difficult. Five wipes occurred with no conclusion. Since this run was scheduled to end at a specific time, the intrepid group called it quits.



    Level 60
    AKA ZG
    Number of Players 20
  • Stranglethorn Vale
  • Attunement None
    Availability World of Warcraft Classic Phase 4 (Available on 4/1/2020)


    Date Toon Duration Notes


    /camp - log off character and go to Character Selection screen
    /invite <player name> - Invite specified player to your party assuming you are the leader or not in a party.
    /roll - generate a random number between 1 and 100
    /reload - saves the current settings to disk, and updates any addon files previously loaded by the game.

    Chat Commands

    /chat, /chathelp - List of chat commands
    /chatlist - List current channels with their numbers.
    /[#], /c, /csay - Sends <message> to all players in . You can also use /# (where # is the channel number) to send a message to .
    Example: /c 1 my message to zone.
    /join [lookingforgroup|lfg] will tell you what channel this on. Go to that channel and broadcast your need for a group.
    /leave lookingforgroup - will remove you from the channel.
    /whisper, /w, /tell, /t, /send - sends a private chat message to that player.
    Example /tell [name] message
    /yell, /y, /sh, /shout - Yell to all players in your zone.

    Chat Channels

    /1: The General channel
    /2: The Trade channel
    /3: The Local Defense channel
    /4: The Looking for Group channel
    /s: The Say channel
    /y: The Yell channel
    /g: The Guild channel
    /o: The officer channel
    /ra: The raid channel


    Command Animation Voice No Target Target
    /agree No No You agree. You agree with <target>.
    /amaze No No You are amazed. You are amazed by <target>.
    /angry Yes No You raise your fist in anger. You raise your fist in anger at <target>.
    /apologize No No You apologize to everyone. Sorry! You apologize to <target>. Sorry!
    Yes Yes You applaud. Bravo! You applaud at <target>. Bravo!
    /attacktarget Yes Yes You tell everyone to attack something. You tell everyone to attack <target>.
    /bark No No You bark. Woof woof! You bark at <target>.
    /bashful Yes No You are bashful. You are so bashful...too bashful to get <target>'s attention.1
    /beckon No No You beckon everyone over to you. You beckon <target> over.
    /beg Yes No You beg everyone around you. How pathetic. You beg <target>. How pathetic.
    /belch No No You let out a loud belch. You burp rudely in <target>'s face.
    /bite No No You look around for someone to bite. You bite <target>. Ouch!
    /bleed No No Blood oozes from your wounds. N/A
    /blink No No You blink your eyes. You blink at <target>.
    /blood No No Blood oozes from your wounds. N/A
    /blow Yes Yes You blow a kiss into the wind. You blow a kiss to <target>.
    /blush Yes No You blush. You blush at <target>.
    /boggle Yes No You boggle at the situation.
    /bonk No No You bonk yourself on the noggin. Doh! You bonk <target> on the noggin. Doh!
    /bored No Yes You are overcome with boredom. Oh the drudgery! You are terribly bored with <target>.
    /bounce No No You bounce up and down. You bounce up and down in front of <target>.
    /bow Yes Yes You bow down graciously. You bow before <target>.
    /bravo Yes Yes You applaud. Bravo! You applaud at <target>. Bravo!
    /bye Yes Yes You wave goodbye to everyone. Farewell! You wave goodbye to <target>.
    /cackle Yes Yes
    /charge Yes Yes
    /cheer Yes Yes
    /chicken Yes Yes
    /checkle Yes Yes
    /clap Yes Yes
    /commend Yes Yes
    Yes Yes
    /cry Yes Yes
    /farewell Yes Yes
    /flap Yes Yes
    /flee Yes Yes
    /flirt Yes Yes
    /followme Yes Yes
    /giggle Yes Yes
    /gloat Yes Yes
    /hello Yes Yes


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